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上次更新于2020/12/18简介- 维护和升级你的交通工具,以克服众多路障,抵御各种自然灾害。 - 探索一个独特的世界:探索一个荒凉干涸的海底,沿着自己人民的足迹寻找遗迹和建筑,边行边讲述一个文明的故事。 - 体验一次大气之旅:从乌云密布的天空下驶过,任由劲风将你驶向地平线。 - 一个没有僵尸的末日世界:只有面对无尽洪荒的你和你的机器 在散布着衰落文明遗迹的干涸海床上穿行。让自己独特的小车不断前行,克服重重的障碍,抵御危险的天气。你能行多远?你能找到什么? ------------------------------------------------------------------- There is something therapeutic about tending to your ship and then just moving along slowly through the day. ... Not a lot of games are brave enough to tell a story this way, and to me, that’s exactly why FAR: Lone Sails is a gem. 5 / 5 - Platinum Rating -Catherine Ng Dellosa, pocketgamer.com 网页链接 FAR: Lone Sails is a smart and enjoyable landship-management game. Sean Martin, pockettactics.com 网页链接 FAR: Lone Sails, meanwhile, is the perfect apocalypse sim for these troubled times. ... It’s a treat. Ash Mayhew, droidgamers.com 网页链接 A gorgeous atmospheric adventure game ... FAR: Lone Sails is an enjoyable game that's easy to relax with after a long day. Matthew Sholtz, androidpolice.com 网页链接