Laplace对 盲驾驶 的评价
Part one 第一部分
(Pick up)(接起电话)
-Hey, hello.
-Are you in the starting position?
-Yes, by the edge of the highway.
-Are you wearing the blindfold?
-I’m wearing it.
-Good. Remember, take off the blindfold and the deal’s off. We are watching you.
-So, what now?
-Hehh, for you never ask. Start driving.
-What, what do you mean start driving?
-Start driving!
-But I can’t see a thing! Mother****er..
(Engine starts)(引擎启动)
-But I’m driving against the traffic!
-Relax. Now, pay attention. Do you have ears?
-Do - you - have - ears?
-So... Use them! Listen for approaching cars. You would deside their cars’ from and move to the opposite side.
-Wait. What? How might I suppose ...
-Shhh, here come right now(???).
(Start driving..)(开始驾驶..)
-Stick to the side next time.
(Passed the first car)(过了第一辆车)
-Haha, not bad.
(Passed the second car)(过了第二辆车)
-Very graceful.
-I may get killed! That’s the deal!
-我要死了! 这就是我现在想的!
-Keep going.Don’t let us down.
(Hang off)(挂电话)
-Wait. What??? Hello, hello!! Oh, ****!
这个游戏不仅题材新颖,而且竟然有剧情! 不过如果不了解剧情,这个游戏的趣味就少了一大截。
然后只有用最笨的方法,录下来一点一点抠。 从英文到中文都是一个字一个字码的。
如果大家觉得还行,需求的人多的话,我看有时间继续往下更。 不过水平确实有限,望诸位海涵才是。
Part one 第一部分
(Pick up)(接起电话)
-Hey, hello.
-Are you in the starting position?
-Yes, by the edge of the highway.
-Are you wearing the blindfold?
-I’m wearing it.
-Good. Remember, take off the blindfold and the deal’s off. We are watching you.
-So, what now?
-Hehh, for you never ask. Start driving.
-What, what do you mean start driving?
-Start driving!
-But I can’t see a thing! Mother****er..
(Engine starts)(引擎启动)
-But I’m driving against the traffic!
-Relax. Now, pay attention. Do you have ears?
-Do - you - have - ears?
-So... Use them! Listen for approaching cars. You would deside their cars’ from and move to the opposite side.
-Wait. What? How might I suppose ...
-Shhh, here come right now(???).
(Start driving..)(开始驾驶..)
-Stick to the side next time.
(Passed the first car)(过了第一辆车)
-Haha, not bad.
(Passed the second car)(过了第二辆车)
-Very graceful.
-I may get killed! That’s the deal!
-我要死了! 这就是我现在想的!
-Keep going.Don’t let us down.
(Hang off)(挂电话)
-Wait. What??? Hello, hello!! Oh, ****!
这个游戏不仅题材新颖,而且竟然有剧情! 不过如果不了解剧情,这个游戏的趣味就少了一大截。
然后只有用最笨的方法,录下来一点一点抠。 从英文到中文都是一个字一个字码的。
如果大家觉得还行,需求的人多的话,我看有时间继续往下更。 不过水平确实有限,望诸位海涵才是。