



简介歡迎來到摩托騎手,這是一個全新的無盡街機摩托車駕駛遊戲。 成為一個摩托車傳奇!在汽車、卡車和摩托車之間漂移,穿越每一個擋在你前面的人,在每個彎道和上下坡都有驚喜等著你! 腎上腺素充滿了你的血管,面對專業騎手的挑戰,躲避警車的追捕,感受最真實的駕駛體驗! 摩托騎手擁有最狂野和有趣的玩法模式!生涯模式、計時賽、無盡模式和自由駕駛!挑戰不可能完成的任務,在最艱險的賽道上留下你的印記! 升級你的發動機,換上更粘的輪胎,在比賽中一路領先,成為最快的摩托騎手。 現在是比賽的時候了! 遊戲特色: - 真實細緻的環境,白天黑夜動態變化 - 使用各種各樣的油漆來個性化您的汽車 - 收集美麗的超級跑車,並在巨大的倉庫車庫中展示 - 精緻細膩的3D遊戲畫面 - 40+生涯模式關卡 - 平穩逼真的駕駛體驗 --- Moto Highway Rider is #1 fast paced endless motorbike racing game that takes you to new level of smooth driving simulations. Ride your motorbike in the endless highways, dodge vehicles with blazing speed, overtake traffic in challenging missions, and escape the flashing red lights of the cops by speeding up to the limit and narrowly avoiding collisions! Jump on your bike, head out and race as fast as you can now! Game Features: - Dozens of motorcycles with detailed customizations of wheels, colors, engines & etc. - First person camera view and multiple controls modes - Realistic motorbike driving experience with stunning 3D graphics - 4 different game modes and 40+ missions in career mode