



简介啟動加速裝置!射門,得分!駕駛你的火箭賽車,參加這場決定生死的比賽!體驗槍林彈雨中進球得分的感覺! 你需要靈活控制自己的賽車,將球撞進對手的大門。當然,比賽中允許使用任何武器!你也可以使用炸彈將你的對手炸上天!發射冷凍波將他們凍在原地,甚至操縱時間控制比賽!大逃殺模式會讓你明白生存的意義! 世界毀滅,人類文明倒退,而你,成了一個奴隸。 你將帶領你的隊伍逐一挑戰強大的奴隸主,用不斷地進球和殺戮證明自己的價值,最終獲得救贖! - 全新的車球對戰玩法,在爆炸聲中射門得分! - 四個獨特場地搭配三種比賽模式,體驗豐富多彩的比賽! - 超過50個可更換部件,組裝自己獨一無二戰車! - 酷炫的末世風格,體驗劫後餘生的世界! - 10種可選武器,盡情釋放你的怒火! --- Car battles and soccer go together like peanut butter and chocolate in Rocket Car Ball! This game lets you play football with rocket cars! Strap in and rocket through the apocalypse desert arena, battle with off-road vehicles, garbage trucks & racing cars, jump and boost through your opponents and hit the ball into the opponent’s goal! Prove that you have what it takes to win in this #1 sports game with rocket cars! Game Features: - 10+ heavy weapons including rockets, missiles and shockwaves to knock out opponents - Stunning 3D graphics and realistic physics simulation - 3 thrilling game modes with hundreds of amazing levels in 4 beautiful apocalypse environments - Dozens of racing cars with 50+ individual upgrades and characteristics