My Pretend House - Kids Family & Dollhouse Games


Do you love My Pretend Games? Do you love my Pretend Airport, Hospital, Big City Playhouse & More? Do you love My Pretend Playground, My Pretend Halloween and My Pretend Christmas? Do you love pretend dollhouse games?
Then you will LOVE My Pretend House - Kids Pretend Family & Dollhouse Home Games FREE!

My Pretend House - Kids Playhouse Family home is fun for kids of all ages who love pretend games!

Play in several bedrooms in the house! Set up the Kitchen, put the pies in the oven, unbag the groceries, and feed the baby! Feels like a real kitchen!!

Play in the bedroom, and take out clothes from the closet, and organize shoes, and more! Play on the beds, tap the baby mobile, touch the lamps, and play and have fun in the bedroom!

Play outside in the yard at the pool, or go inside the garage and repair a bicycle using a medley of tools!

My Pretend house - Kids Pretend Family Dollhouse Home Games is great fun for all ages!!


2.0 (11)2018/06/29
EVERYTHING in this Pretend Home is FREE & Unlocked for your enjoyment!
1.9 (10)2018/06/17
EVERYTHING in this Pretend Home is FREE & Unlocked for your enjoyment!
1.7 (8)2018/06/04
EVERYTHING in this Pretend Home is FREE & Unlocked for your enjoyment!


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