



简介輕鬆^_^好玩^_^的放置修仙手機遊戲只要50M 點點划划聚神仙^o^輕輕鬆鬆得坐騎◠‿◠ 滿滿福利多到你不敢信 新年的釋壓養生掛機遊戲快來試試咯 Free idle game for happy tapping! 每日登陸即送海量元寶!盡享揮霍的樂趣 持上古神器舞百樣法寶! 乘傳奇靈獸闖通天魔塔! 全新跨服仙戰PK開啟,等你來一統仙界! 輕鬆好玩的放置類策略卡牌手游鉅作重磅來襲! 不儲值也能逆天,競技場武道會中決勝天下!開局即送強力神魔,免費升級成聖級給力夥伴!召集屬於你的神仙戰隊! 超出想像的地城迷宮冒險,跨越無盡時空的神仙亂鬥,熟悉的人物,不同的故事等你發現!給你前所未有的激情體驗。 ===遊戲特色==== 【完全放置,自動戰鬥】 搭配陣容,自動推圖,即使離線也能時刻積攢大量材料與收益! 【登錄升級,超多豪禮】 超多禮包,登錄、升級輕鬆領取超多福利與卡牌,千元福利直接送!不花錢也能玩到爽! 【經營神廟,煉製武器】 像神仙一樣法力無邊,為凡人排憂解難。超級神器直接煉出來! 【奇妙仙緣,火力全開】 上千種仙緣奇妙搭配等你去發現,匹配仙緣,戰力強勢提升,銳不可當! 【單體暴擊,群體大招】 獨特技能,酷炫特效,給你酣暢過癮的戰鬥快感! Contact us: 記得加入fanpage找漂亮的神仙小姊姊領取驚喜福利噢 元寶召喚令升級寶物進階道具一應俱全 《西遊記後傳-掛機版》官方Facebook粉絲頁: 网页链接西遊記後傳掛機版-1721550594553296/ NEW UPDATES-更新內容 三教爭霸:史詩級跨服國戰,爭奪神界大陸的主宰權,即將重磅開啟(需要主角達到120級); 2.神龍祈願:收集散落在三界中的龍珠,集齊7顆即可召喚神龍,滿足您一個願望,願望滿足率達到一定程度更有額外驚喜; 3.稱號收集:達成遊戲各種條件可獲得各種稱號,增強主角的實力; 4.復活混鯤祖師:通過回收靈魂石和碎片,復活西方教祖——混鯤祖師,為你的陣容再添強援; 5.氣運占卦:每天搖一搖,好運紛沓來; 6.祕境探寶:節假日限定活動,前往探尋神秘寶藏; 7.捉妖試煉:隨機挑戰各路妖怪,通過點點點,並獲得對應靈魂石和金幣 更多精彩請移步至遊戲內~~~ A free, strategy and special RPG game has finally arrived! Auto Battle! Global Server! Worldwide Launch! Level UP 24/7 Non-Stop! Form your team and battle the darkness! In this auto-battle adventure you’ll be fighting 24/7, even when you’re not on. Gives you more freedom with the 24/7 Non-Stop Auto Battle System! You’ll always be earning gold, loot, and experience while you’re sleeping, at work, school, or anywhere else! Even when you are off-line, the battle continues! Play when you want! Play how you want! Build, strengthen, and customize your team, leading it to battle the darkness, and saving innocent people from trouble. Many rewards are ready once you register the game! Login to get one SSS hero for free! Each level-up can gain a great number of prizes and coins! Join other players around the world, only one Global Server! Chat with players from all over the world. Make new friends! GAME FEATURES: 1. Auto Battle & Idle System Set your heroes training while you’re away. When you return to your phone, they will be stronger, gained new materials for you, and ready for battle. Grow & Train a powerful squad without all the grinding! 2. Numerous Choices Collect hundreds of heroes, find up to thousands of methods to combine your team. Find the special relations between heroes and strengthen your team power. 2. Evolving Strategy More than 200 Heroes in different factions with specific skills. Summon your Warriors, train them to become powerful heroes, or convert them into spirit material for EVOLVING. Forge magical equipment, and outfit your warriors for victory! 3. Unique Temple Help innocent people to make their dreams come true, or solve them from their troubles. Enjoy helping people and receiving rewards from them. 4. Global Competition Compete with players all over the world! Battle and fight with other players, strengthen the power of your team, achieve the top of the tower and gather a huge number of gifts! 5. Special stories Explore the special relationships between heroes and equipment, choose the appropriate combinations to build the strongest team of you!