带领 Russ 之子加入战斗,携爆矢枪和链锯剑之威能,横扫大群凶猛敌军。猎杀死敌—混沌星际战士,谱写太空战狼战团编年史传奇篇章。
这将需要太空战狼的领导、理智和狡谲,赢取恶劣、充满敌意之地,混沌军团前哨——朦胧星域 Kanak 星球的胜利。沉睡的巨人已被遗失在冰冷残酷的太空深处,它到底隐藏了何种秘密?令人窒息的绿色丛林,炙炎炼狱般的火山,尘土飞扬、了无生机的荒地中各自潜伏着何种可怕的力量?通关各项战役,获悉个中奥妙!
为了 Russ!为了巨狼之时和 Allfather
• 一整个新的章节,由10个故事驱动的任务组成
• 机械骷髅——一种可怕的新敌人
• 5 种新类型敌人和4个独特的首领
• 主角的新等级和升级
• 所有小队成员的新等级和个人武器
• 40+ 新卡牌
• 史诗级战役,战场横跨遥远敌对星球。
• 对抗怀言者—— 狂热、致命的背叛者,信奉混沌之神。
• 灰色猎手、战狼侦察兵、战狼守卫——选择每次任务的主要英雄,完美配合您的自身风格、策略和战术。
• 解锁所有五名伙伴,选择其中两名伙伴与你共同战斗。
• 升级队伍,解锁诸多福利。
• 带领太空战狼,体验无上荣耀、交互式 3D 环境下的激烈战斗。
• 数以百计的武器和各式机械能力。
• 自定义卡组,以契合独有策略和战术。
• 获胜即可解锁强大的新武器、奖金和战术卡牌。
• 在钢铁牧师熔炉里进化卡牌,进一步强化致命卡组!
PvP 多人游戏:
• 激烈的 3 v 3 近距离战斗。利用每一回合对您的敌人造成巨大伤害!
• 评级。您有机会成为顶级的太空战狼。每过一阶段,战斗会变得更加困难,但奖励会更好。
• 排行榜会在每个赛季的开始重置。但也要证明您是最厉害的,并重新夺回您排名领先的状态。
• 对战成群的混乱狂热信徒。
• 获得仅此模式提供的独特奖励。
• 在不断变化的情形中尝试新战术。
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2017. Space Wolf, Space Wolves, the Space Wolf logo, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under license. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
这将需要太空战狼的领导、理智和狡谲,赢取恶劣、充满敌意之地,混沌军团前哨——朦胧星域 Kanak 星球的胜利。沉睡的巨人已被遗失在冰冷残酷的太空深处,它到底隐藏了何种秘密?令人窒息的绿色丛林,炙炎炼狱般的火山,尘土飞扬、了无生机的荒地中各自潜伏着何种可怕的力量?通关各项战役,获悉个中奥妙!
为了 Russ!为了巨狼之时和 Allfather
• 一整个新的章节,由10个故事驱动的任务组成
• 机械骷髅——一种可怕的新敌人
• 5 种新类型敌人和4个独特的首领
• 主角的新等级和升级
• 所有小队成员的新等级和个人武器
• 40+ 新卡牌
• 史诗级战役,战场横跨遥远敌对星球。
• 对抗怀言者—— 狂热、致命的背叛者,信奉混沌之神。
• 灰色猎手、战狼侦察兵、战狼守卫——选择每次任务的主要英雄,完美配合您的自身风格、策略和战术。
• 解锁所有五名伙伴,选择其中两名伙伴与你共同战斗。
• 升级队伍,解锁诸多福利。
• 带领太空战狼,体验无上荣耀、交互式 3D 环境下的激烈战斗。
• 数以百计的武器和各式机械能力。
• 自定义卡组,以契合独有策略和战术。
• 获胜即可解锁强大的新武器、奖金和战术卡牌。
• 在钢铁牧师熔炉里进化卡牌,进一步强化致命卡组!
PvP 多人游戏:
• 激烈的 3 v 3 近距离战斗。利用每一回合对您的敌人造成巨大伤害!
• 评级。您有机会成为顶级的太空战狼。每过一阶段,战斗会变得更加困难,但奖励会更好。
• 排行榜会在每个赛季的开始重置。但也要证明您是最厉害的,并重新夺回您排名领先的状态。
• 对战成群的混乱狂热信徒。
• 获得仅此模式提供的独特奖励。
• 在不断变化的情形中尝试新战术。
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2017. Space Wolf, Space Wolves, the Space Wolf logo, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under license. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
1.4.53 (82034)2022/09/28
Today, we have introduced the following changes:
- added a new Sky Сlaw armour, equipped with the assault Jump Pack, featuring 3 sets of perks and unique movement mechanics;
- added 3 completely new card types of a different rarity: Jumps, Eviscerators and Double Equipment;
- enabled controls of additional companions in mission 5-3.
This version also contains additional fixes and improvements made by the Iron Priests of the Space Wolves Chapter.
Glory to the Allfather!
Today, we have introduced the following changes:
- added a new Sky Сlaw armour, equipped with the assault Jump Pack, featuring 3 sets of perks and unique movement mechanics;
- added 3 completely new card types of a different rarity: Jumps, Eviscerators and Double Equipment;
- enabled controls of additional companions in mission 5-3.
This version also contains additional fixes and improvements made by the Iron Priests of the Space Wolves Chapter.
Glory to the Allfather!
1.4.53 (82034)2022/09/28
Today, we have introduced the following changes:
- added a new Sky Сlaw armour, equipped with the assault Jump Pack, featuring 3 sets of perks and unique movement mechanics;
- added 3 completely new card types of a different rarity: Jumps, Eviscerators and Double Equipment;
- enabled controls of additional companions in mission 5-3.
This version also contains additional fixes and improvements made by the Iron Priests of the Space Wolves Chapter.
Glory to the Allfather!
Today, we have introduced the following changes:
- added a new Sky Сlaw armour, equipped with the assault Jump Pack, featuring 3 sets of perks and unique movement mechanics;
- added 3 completely new card types of a different rarity: Jumps, Eviscerators and Double Equipment;
- enabled controls of additional companions in mission 5-3.
This version also contains additional fixes and improvements made by the Iron Priests of the Space Wolves Chapter.
Glory to the Allfather!
1.4.53 (82034)2022/09/28
Today, we have introduced the following changes:
- added a new Sky Сlaw armour, equipped with the assault Jump Pack, featuring 3 sets of perks and unique movement mechanics;
- added 3 completely new card types of a different rarity: Jumps, Eviscerators and Double Equipment;
- enabled controls of additional companions in mission 5-3.
This version also contains additional fixes and improvements made by the Iron Priests of the Space Wolves Chapter.
Glory to the Allfather!
Today, we have introduced the following changes:
- added a new Sky Сlaw armour, equipped with the assault Jump Pack, featuring 3 sets of perks and unique movement mechanics;
- added 3 completely new card types of a different rarity: Jumps, Eviscerators and Double Equipment;
- enabled controls of additional companions in mission 5-3.
This version also contains additional fixes and improvements made by the Iron Priests of the Space Wolves Chapter.
Glory to the Allfather!