Dream City Living: Free Version


Upcoming updates next year
* 50+ food items with ability to cook meals based on recipes
* exploration quest to find documents that boost abilities and recipes
* a new suburban location, Sunny Beach to buy house
* urban survival mode with the ability to play a male character with his own story and quests

Currently, the only language in the game is English.

Dream City Living is an urban role-playing game with life simulation gameplay. You'll be playing as Priscilla Hudson. She just arrived at Dream City. She starts with some money, has no job and posses zero skills. Help her to survive in the city. Find her a job. Find her a home.

Mystery, Conspiracies & Vigilante

Explore Dream City to investigate the mystery behind murders, discover conspiracies and have the chance to join a vigilante group. You can explore ad agency office, law firm, fashion firm, modelling agency, bank, shopping mall, hypermarket, spa, Internet cafe, yoga club, flat, apartment, condominium, townhouse, theatre, underground sewer, cave, city park, city hall, public library, fast food restaurants, bike shop, car showroom, gym, business school, law school, fashion school, IQ school, modelling school and pawn shop.

This is a free version. There are tons of content you can play with the free version except we have locked Act 2 and Act 3. If you're interested to play Act 2 and Act 3, you can purchase the full paid version that is available right now.

The link to the full version 网页链接

Game Features

* 4 career paths (ad agency executive, lawyer, fashion designer or model) or 3 hidden career paths (paranormal investigator, private detective or vigilante agent)
* job promotion (starts from low-level position and move to the top as CEO)
* gain skill points by performing a job or attending class
* 37 interior locations to explore (home place, workplace, eating place, shopping place, educational place, recreational place and exercise place)
* 51 quests to carry out (paranormal, spy, investigation and fight quests)
* all quests can be received in a single playthrough
* build up relationship with 30 characters
* 4 different transportation to own (scooter, small car, sedan car and luxury car)
* 1 love interest to date and possible to marry him
* invest in 3 different mutual funds to build wealth (take advantage of the economy to buy low and sell high)
* fight 7 different enemies (gangster, hooligan, drug addict, drug dealer, assassin, agent and gym trainer)
* the economy changes from normal, booming and recession (which affect shopping price)
* the crime changes from normal, clean street and underworld (which affect chance to meet enemies and night curfew)
* the weather changes from normal, dry season, wet season and plague
* 11 game endings (married ending, save father ending, deport ending, accident ending, starved to death ending, voluntary leave ending, die ending, ad agency CEO, law firm CEO, fashion firm CEO and modelling agency CEO)
* 13 random events

Technical Issues

The game requires as much as 170 MB of memory in order to run properly due to the loading of many art assets in the game. If you have freeze problem or the game kicks to the home screen, that means the phone or tablet has run out of memory to run the game. You need to clear up some memory by closing any app that runs in the background.

Currently, we do not support phones or tablets with Intel Atom. You might be able to run the game but there'll be lots of technical problems.

If you have technical issues or any problem about the game, send us a message on Inspire Games Nexus Facebook page 网页链接


1.72 (1072000)2019/04/12
* fix bug selfish character earn $200,500 at the start of the game
* outside and inside buildings are much brighter during night
* disable all ads
* add new game intro
* game content now separated to 3 separate acts (act 1 unlocked, act 2 & 3 locked)
* proofread all texts to fix typo errors, basic grammar mistakes & improve sentence clarity
* implement interior lighting (daylight & night)
* Priscilla now walks faster
1.70 (1070000)2019/01/11
* fix bug selfish character earn $200,500 at the start of the game
* outside and inside buildings are much brighter during night
* disable all ads
* add new game intro
* game content now separated to 3 separate acts (act 1 unlocked, act 2 & 3 locked)
* proofread all texts to fix typo errors, basic grammar mistakes & improve sentence clarity
* implement interior lighting (daylight & night)
* Priscilla now walks faster
1.66 (1066000)2019/01/03
* fix bug selfish character earn $200,500 at the start of the game
* outside and inside buildings are much brighter during night
* disable all ads
* add new game intro
* game content now separated to 3 separate acts (act 1 unlocked, act 2 & 3 locked)
* proofread all texts to fix typo errors, basic grammar mistakes & improve sentence clarity
* implement interior lighting (daylight & night)
* Priscilla now walks faster


Android 正式上线日期