简介游戏正在开发ing,可以先关注游戏,在加速了~~ 与其他几款衍生游戏不一样,在无尽人生里,你可以更自由的探索你的游戏模式,可以通过指定代码与陌生人、朋友畅玩或独自享受游戏,没有繁琐复杂的重生机制,也无需花费大量时间跑图安家,更丰富的服饰与坐骑,更便捷的马车与运输,更快速的打铁与资源获取,当然还有配套的各类科技。 无尽人生打造了一套独特的防破坏机制,只为给热爱的玩家们提供一个更安全的游戏体验。 游戏内增加了更多的互动道具与生物,还有多种建筑物资与材料,以及交互存储置物架桌子椅子等等! 如果你也喜欢这类型的游戏,欢迎期待无尽人生~~
开发者的话无尽人生使用了Two Hours One Life的开源素材,这是公共领域无版权的素材,开源项目链接为:网页链接 项目里no_copyright.txt文件是原作者的版权声明,原文如下: This work is not copyrighted. I place it into the public domain. Do whatever you want with it, absolutely no restrictions, and no permission necessary, as far as copyright issues are concerned. In areas outside the reach of copyright, I still retain other rights. This should go without saying, because this file is called "no_copyright". Jason Rohrer Davis, California March 2019 For clarification, Two Hours One Life adheres to and operates under the above license. We retain no copyright to our derivative work and place the derivative work into the public domain. We do retain rights as explained above, specifically our right to authorship of our derivative work. You are not required to give credit to us, but you are not permitted to mislead another person by claiming authorship of our derivative work. Two Hours One Life