True Fear: Forsaken Souls 1游戏介绍
在True Fear: Forsaken Souls三部曲的Part 1中,踏上谜团重重的恐怖之旅。
★ 调查你姐妹的房子,回到你母亲的庄园,拜访被废弃的疗养院
★ 使用地图快速跳转地点
★ 解开多达20个以上的谜题
★ 观看多达25个以上的过场动画
★ 阅读数以百计的便笺和日记,使你完全沉浸在游戏的神秘氛围中
★ 体验真实的恐惧和极具压迫的心理氛围
★ 寻找15个隐藏的人物雕像,了解他们的故事
★ 解锁30项成就
★ 解锁附加内容:谜题、概念艺术、机密信息
★ 聆听高品质的游戏配乐
★ 可选择游玩逃离房间和找物场景两种模式
★ 通过缩放查看最细微的游戏细节
★ 调查你姐妹的房子,回到你母亲的庄园,拜访被废弃的疗养院
★ 使用地图快速跳转地点
★ 解开多达20个以上的谜题
★ 观看多达25个以上的过场动画
★ 阅读数以百计的便笺和日记,使你完全沉浸在游戏的神秘氛围中
★ 体验真实的恐惧和极具压迫的心理氛围
★ 寻找15个隐藏的人物雕像,了解他们的故事
★ 解锁30项成就
★ 解锁附加内容:谜题、概念艺术、机密信息
★ 聆听高品质的游戏配乐
★ 可选择游玩逃离房间和找物场景两种模式
★ 通过缩放查看最细微的游戏细节
1.2.15 (216)2021/02/26
True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part I has been updated!
The new version contains several bugs fixes found thanks to player feedback.
Thank you for your support and patience!
- improved performance
- reduced game size
- fixed Hint/Skip at Act 1 Clocks and Act 3 Altar
- collecting figurine panel now with description text
- facts and clues in diary are now in order of collecting
- added new hints in logic puzzle scenes
- minor bug fixes and changes
The new version contains several bugs fixes found thanks to player feedback.
Thank you for your support and patience!
- improved performance
- reduced game size
- fixed Hint/Skip at Act 1 Clocks and Act 3 Altar
- collecting figurine panel now with description text
- facts and clues in diary are now in order of collecting
- added new hints in logic puzzle scenes
- minor bug fixes and changes
2.0.8 (211)2020/09/09
True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part I has been updated!
The new version contains several bugs fixes found thanks to player feedback.
Thank you for your support and patience!
- improved performance
- reduced game size
- fixed Hint/Skip at Act 1 Clocks and Act 3 Altar
- collecting figurine panel now with description text
- facts and clues in diary are now in order of collecting
- added new hints in logic puzzle scenes
- minor bug fixes and changes
The new version contains several bugs fixes found thanks to player feedback.
Thank you for your support and patience!
- improved performance
- reduced game size
- fixed Hint/Skip at Act 1 Clocks and Act 3 Altar
- collecting figurine panel now with description text
- facts and clues in diary are now in order of collecting
- added new hints in logic puzzle scenes
- minor bug fixes and changes
1.2.11 (200)2019/02/27
True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part I has been updated!
The new version contains several bugs fixes found thanks to player feedback.
Thank you for your support and patience!
- improved performance
- reduced game size
- fixed Hint/Skip at Act 1 Clocks and Act 3 Altar
- collecting figurine panel now with description text
- facts and clues in diary are now in order of collecting
- added new hints in logic puzzle scenes
- minor bug fixes and changes
The new version contains several bugs fixes found thanks to player feedback.
Thank you for your support and patience!
- improved performance
- reduced game size
- fixed Hint/Skip at Act 1 Clocks and Act 3 Altar
- collecting figurine panel now with description text
- facts and clues in diary are now in order of collecting
- added new hints in logic puzzle scenes
- minor bug fixes and changes