Le Ninja Go - Possession Fight


Are you crazy fans of Ninja ?
This game made for you : Le Ninja Go - Possession Fight
Don't like ninja rua and turltes ninja. This is game about favourite ninja in the world : Le NinjaGo
Fight against aliens, steal your powers to be able to transform into aliens.
Your job is to break this curse and bring back good to the le ninja go world.
Stop an evil curse from overtaking the world! Ninjago possession is one of our selected ninjago games.
Charge your omni to be able to become a powerful alien!
Use the Ninja's techno blades to fight into enemy vehicles and use them as your own.
Choose between Kai, Zane, Cole, and Jay to battle the Overlord's minions.
Reboot the system before the Overlord drains Lloyd's Golden power.
Join to world Go Ninja Le to fight now !


Android 正式上线日期