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上次更新于2022/07/06简介锁定加载!让你的武器准备好的最终动作游戏。金属战士2结合了平台式游戏的肾上腺素和2d射手的动作。使用垫移动,点击跳跃和拍摄。使用不同的枪和手榴弹! 让自己进入战斗坦克,力量机械,甚至直升机,以战斗反叛部队在15个具有挑战性的任务。 但要小心,反叛者得到了一些严重的新设备。参与惊人的坦克战斗或地对空坦克直升机战斗。有很多射击要做的新车和敌人。 打击金属士兵2中的所有敌人!杀死他们所有在这个惊人的射击游戏。 你在等什么?下载金属士兵2现在,让拍摄开始! 特征: - 新任务模式。 - 使用MS2车辆。 - 对敌坦克和砍刀。 - 不同的字符选择。 - 很多敌人的战斗。 - 经典武器设计。 - 惊人的游戏。 Lock ‘n Load! Get your weapons ready for the ultimate action game. Metal Soldiers 2 combines the adrenaline of platform-style games with the action of 2d shooters. Use the pad to move around and tap to jump and shoot. Use different guns and grenades too! Get yourself into a Battle Tank, a Power Mech or even a Helicopter to battle the rebel forces throughout 15 challenging missions. Be careful though, the rebels got some serious new equipment. Engage into amazing tank battles or in ground-to-air tank-helicopter combats. There is a lot of shooting to be done with the new vehicles and enemies. Blow up all enemies in Metal Soldiers 2! Kill them all in this amazing shooter game. What are you waiting for? Download Metal Soldier 2 now and let the shooting begin! Features: - New mission mode. - Use MS2 vehicles. - Battle against enemy tanks and choppers. - Different characters to choose. - Lots of enemies to fight. - Classic weapon designs. - Amazing gameplay.