简介◆ Rules The game moves in two phases, "morning" and "night". ◆ Morning Approach a spirit and tap the button! Activate a skill! But you have to get there first! Beat your opponent! You win when your opponent's HP is down to zero! ◆ Night Night is time for truce. Skills cannot be activated. Instead, you can summon spirits to where you want! Build your strategy, thinking carefully about your moves the next morning! ◆ Characters Skills change depending on your combination of animal and spirit! Snakes turn invisible, boars charge forwards, and roosters move in every direction! Choose your favorite animal and get ready for battle! Don’t just choose your Chinese horoscope – everyone will know how old you are! ◆ Play with friends It's great fun! Team up with a friend and fight for a win! (Maximum 2 players per team)