积木盒子 : 迷你像素世界游戏截图
积木盒子 : 迷你像素世界游戏截图
积木盒子 : 迷你像素世界游戏截图
积木盒子 : 迷你像素世界游戏截图
积木盒子 : 迷你像素世界

积木盒子 : 迷你像素世界

积木盒子 : 迷你像素世界


简介[完美支持中文 | 获得各大手游网站和编辑推荐] *数百种物品工具 极大丰富了玩法 *数百个联网服务器供您探索 *数十个精选地图可学习参考,欣赏 *支持wifi和热点下联网游戏 在积木世界中您需要学会生存,寻找挖掘和制作各种材料工具。并和各种怪物做斗争。和您的伙伴在联网世界中协作会获得更多乐趣! 如果您喜欢各种沙盒类等喜欢高自由度的沙盒像素游戏,你必须试试这款! In World Craft: pixel miner, you need to learn how to mine and craft new things, live in the dark night and fight with zombies and monsters. You can also build amazing buildings/gardens or anything you like. If you’re a fan of survivalcraft, freecraft or worldcraft, you should try this one. Here’s some notes for you: 1. Ask your friends to join the wifi world with you may help you a lot. 2. Monsters and zombies will spawn around you when they’re ready. They’ll kill you with no hesitate, I promise. 3. Use torches or sleep at a bed at night will save your life 4. Use your swords and any weapons to fight with those creatures!! BE A MAN!! Good Luck!! Rate us if you like this app. Send us email if you have any questions or suggestions! Thank you for anyone is with us!
Hello Tapper