上次更新于2018/06/03简介史上最奇怪的游戏,没错,就是那种,让你玩到想砸手机却又不停再试一次的游戏,当然有很多聪明的小伙伴经过不停的尝试和分析,而通关的,你们实在是太棒了,非常考验人智力的一个休闲的游戏,如果你现在有时间那就玩一把吧,让你的生活不再空洞,本游戏支持手机和平板电脑.本游戏关卡丰富绝对是一个值得可玩的游戏,适用于各个年龄层,游戏的思想与史上最贱的游戏是属于同一系列,通关秘决也是相近的. 本游戏游戏 很难很难,有木有!!!啊! 各种尝试各种失败,有木有!!!啊! 是不是差点摔手机了,有木有!!!啊! 游戏让你灰常抓狂啊,有木有!!!啊! 此游戏颠覆了你的惯性思想啊,有木有!!!啊! 此游戏的玩法很简单啊,有木有!!!就只是用手指指操控,有木有!!!啊! 可它却杀死了你无数的脑细胞,有木有!!!啊! 从配乐到游戏形象,从你脑子里蹦出来的就只有“贱”字啊,有木有!!!啊! 一点开游戏,我嚓,找不到密码!亲,你是过不了的啦,亲,有木有!!!啊! 各种失败各种尝试,有木有!!!啊!) 史上最奇怪的游戏 标签 关键字:史上最奇怪的游戏,史上最贱,奇怪,益智,休闲,免费,智力 如何玩: 玩家是一个奇怪的人这是一个非同寻常的游戏不能按常规的游戏来玩.所以,玩家要充分调动起自己的智商与想象力,还可以上网找找网友们的经验,哈哈.许多网友在玩之后,大呼伤不起,更有网友大呼要砸了手机. 很多网友可以不靠网上找方法能过自己智商想象和尝试打通关的! 相信你一定也可以!!! History of the most strange game,yes,that is the kind of make you want to hit the phone to play to try again but kept the game,of course,there are many clever little partner through non-stop to try and analyze,and customs clearance,you it is great,is the test of a casual guy intellectual game,if you do have the time it would play one and let your life is no longer empty ,the game supports phones and tablets. This game is definitely a worthy points rich playable games for all ages,thought and the history of the game is the most cheap games belong to the same family,secret clearance is also similar. This game is very,very difficult game,there is wood there!!! Ah! Various attempts variety fails,there is wood there!!! Ah! Is not almost fell a mobile phone,there are wood!!! Ah! Gray often make you crazy game,ah,there is wood there!!! Ah! This game subvert your inertia thinking,ah,there is wood there!!! Ah! This game is very simple,ah,there is wood there!!! Just pointed to manipulation,there is wood there!!! Ah! Can it kill you countless brain cells,there are wood!!! Ah! Image from the soundtrack to the game,jumping out from your mind only "cheap" word,ah,there is wood there!!! Ah! That opened the game,I Crash,find the password! Pro,your not over the matter,pro,there are wood!!! Ah! Various failure of various attempts,there is wood there!!! Ah! ) In the history of the strangest games Tags are keywords: history of the most strange game,the history of the most cheap,weird,puzzle,leisure,free,intelligence How to play: Players is a strange man this is not an unusual game play of the game as usual. Therefore,the player must fully mobilize their intelligence and imagination,you can also look for netizens online experience,haha. After playing many users,shouted injury can not afford,the more friends shouted to smashed phone. Many users can not rely on the Internet to find the method can live their imagination and try to get through intelligence-related! I am sure you can!!!