Tap Tap Run - 运行和水龙头游戏介绍
Tap Tap Run - 运行和水龙头
Tap Tap Run是一款点击游戏,通过与其他角色的比赛和提高你的技能,成为世界上最快的跑步者。敲敲打打,成为世界上最快的跑步者点击者!。
每天都有礼物! 每天玩 "点点乐 "游戏,你都会得到一个惊人的奖励。
完成挑战并获得奖励! 通过这个TAP TAP RUN点击游戏的不同级别,你必须像一个惊人的跑步者一样完成惊人的挑战,在这些点击游戏中度过美好的时光,发现TAP TAP RUN |点击游戏为你准备的一切。
TAP TAP RUN是一个闲置的点击游戏,通过增长你的性格,使你成为世界上最快的跑步之王。
● 提高你的速度和耐力,成为世界上跑得最快的国王!
● 赢得跑步比赛,对抗无数的对手,如Usain Nut和Lion!
● 收集各种物品,让你成长得更快
● 你将能够看到自己在瞬间跑过难以想象的距离!
Tap Tap Run是一款点击游戏,通过与其他角色的比赛和提高你的技能,成为世界上最快的跑步者。敲敲打打,成为世界上最快的跑步者点击者!。
每天都有礼物! 每天玩 "点点乐 "游戏,你都会得到一个惊人的奖励。
完成挑战并获得奖励! 通过这个TAP TAP RUN点击游戏的不同级别,你必须像一个惊人的跑步者一样完成惊人的挑战,在这些点击游戏中度过美好的时光,发现TAP TAP RUN |点击游戏为你准备的一切。
TAP TAP RUN是一个闲置的点击游戏,通过增长你的性格,使你成为世界上最快的跑步之王。
● 提高你的速度和耐力,成为世界上跑得最快的国王!
● 赢得跑步比赛,对抗无数的对手,如Usain Nut和Lion!
● 收集各种物品,让你成长得更快
● 你将能够看到自己在瞬间跑过难以想象的距离!
1.4.8 (148)2022/05/06
-Game balancing adjustment: Reduces stamina consumption and increases recovery buff effect of costumes
-Bug Fix: Fixed minus reward of random gold reward
-Cooltime not applied when unlocking the next challenge or match
*Previous update history
-Gold Run Mode continues on until the timer end
-Random Reward Box: Add Gold and Gems
-Bug Fix: Remaining time for autorun disappearing during a challenge
-Game balancing adjustment: Reduces stamina consumption and increases recovery buff effect of costumes
-Bug Fix: Fixed minus reward of random gold reward
-Cooltime not applied when unlocking the next challenge or match
*Previous update history
-Gold Run Mode continues on until the timer end
-Random Reward Box: Add Gold and Gems
-Bug Fix: Remaining time for autorun disappearing during a challenge
1.4.7 (147)2022/04/09
-Game balancing adjustment: Reduces stamina consumption and increases recovery buff effect of costumes
-Bug Fix: Fixed minus reward of random gold reward
-Cooltime not applied when unlocking the next challenge or match
*Previous update history
-Gold Run Mode continues on until the timer end
-Random Reward Box: Add Gold and Gems
-Bug Fix: Remaining time for autorun disappearing during a challenge
-Game balancing adjustment: Reduces stamina consumption and increases recovery buff effect of costumes
-Bug Fix: Fixed minus reward of random gold reward
-Cooltime not applied when unlocking the next challenge or match
*Previous update history
-Gold Run Mode continues on until the timer end
-Random Reward Box: Add Gold and Gems
-Bug Fix: Remaining time for autorun disappearing during a challenge
1.4.4 (144)2022/03/23
-Game balancing adjustment: Reduces stamina consumption and increases recovery buff effect of costumes
-Bug Fix: Fixed minus reward of random gold reward
-Cooltime not applied when unlocking the next challenge or match
*Previous update history
-Gold Run Mode continues on until the timer end
-Random Reward Box: Add Gold and Gems
-Bug Fix: Remaining time for autorun disappearing during a challenge
-Game balancing adjustment: Reduces stamina consumption and increases recovery buff effect of costumes
-Bug Fix: Fixed minus reward of random gold reward
-Cooltime not applied when unlocking the next challenge or match
*Previous update history
-Gold Run Mode continues on until the timer end
-Random Reward Box: Add Gold and Gems
-Bug Fix: Remaining time for autorun disappearing during a challenge