解开 100 个手工制作的关卡,进入恐惧岩山的古老深处。
1.06 (35)2022/03/01
Fix: prevent dropping ivars book in any wallniche before level 98
Fix: prevent leaving level 92 (grinder) without ally
Fix: prevent killing ivar too early (in level 82)
Fix: if creating a dead-end savegame in level 81, reset-button will fix it
Fix: prevent picking up the potion of undead twice
Potential Fix: Created duplicate font materials to potentially fix empty menu texts bug
Fix: prevent leaving level 92 (grinder) without ally
Fix: prevent killing ivar too early (in level 82)
Fix: if creating a dead-end savegame in level 81, reset-button will fix it
Fix: prevent picking up the potion of undead twice
Potential Fix: Created duplicate font materials to potentially fix empty menu texts bug