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上次更新于2015/07/01简介Named Best Music Game at the 2011 Best App Ever Awards! ---------------------------------- 音乐游戏×过山车!? 曾获得多项国内外大奖, 《太空入侵者 无限基因(SPACE INVADERS INFINITY GENE) 》游戏制作人・石田礼辅的最新力作! 超新颖的新一代音乐游戏登场! 配合音乐节奏来舞动您的手指! 只需一根手指就能轻松操作,享受如同过山车般惊心动魄的兴奋感受! 游戏中可进行升级!还有增加新角色等吸引玩家的丰富游戏要素! 根据游戏可进行各种变化,还可以创造能不断成长的原创关卡! 制造只属于您的关卡,在朋友面前展示您的风采吧! 来,大家一起来玩音乐游戏吧!! ---------------------------------- The game that's taken the world by storm!! ---------------------------------- Gorgeous, challenging and thrillingly different, Groove Coaster is a treat for the eyes, the ears, and the soul. -Pocket Gamer, Gold Award "You need to play Groove Coaster. Period." -IGN, 9.5 Rating - Amazing, Editor's Choice "Groove Coaster is one of the most beautiful combinations of music and gaming I've experienced on the iPhone..." -Kotaku, Gaming App of the Day Award "The Best Rhythm Game On The iPhone Or iPad" -MTV Multiplayer Ranked #5 on IGN's list of the Top 25 iPhone Games! Slide To Play's Game of the Month! Apple's iPhone Game of the Week! ---------------------------------- Language: English Français Italiano 日本語 Platform: iPhone 3GS / iPhone 4, 4S / iPhone 5 / 3rd, 4th generation iPod touch / iPad / iPad2 / New iPad ** iPhone OS 4.2 or higher is required to play GROOVE COASTER. ---------------------------------- *Advice for players unsure how to proceed to the second stage* Immediately after the first stage is successfully completed, a tutorial is displayed. Follow the tutorial instructions to proceed: 1. Touch the icon for stage 2, "Play merrily". 2. Touch the location indicated by the hand-shaped icon, at the bottom of the screen. 3. As the hand-shaped icon directs, drag your finger from right to left to change the Avatar in use. 4. Tap the hand-shaped icon to confirm your choice. You are now able to play the second stage. No extra charge is required to play the second and subsequent stages. ----------------------------------