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上次更新于2020/07/17简介使用无线电向战场上的士兵传达指令。通过无线电回报持续关注战场动态。带领美国作战部队与越军在新一代真实即时战略游戏中作战。在文字信息中作出艰难的选择,并直面结局。 Radio Commander 包括以下特色: - 9个生涯任务(每个任务都可以通过数种不同的方法完成), - 9个动画简报, - 15种作战单位,包括步兵、撤离直升机、炮艇、野战炮兵、空中侦察部队、装甲运兵车M113和携带F4幻影喷气机的凝固***(每一个单位是一组独立的数据,并使用不同的声音与指挥官通信), - 全程配音, - 超过200条无线电通讯信息, - 超过600条军队和指挥人员之间的剧情对话. 评论: “Buy it for an unforgettable taste of bona fide battlefield chaos. Buy it for the edginess it engenders so effortlessly. Buy it for those dry-lipped “Say again?”s that never get answered.” Rock Paper Shotgun “In many ways, I’d say Radio Commander is one of the most immersive games I’ve played in 2019.” Wargamer “As you get wrapped up in the story, the outcome of missions becomes incredibly tense. I can’t remember a simple “move” order in a strategy game ever being so heart-wrenching, as you sit idly by for minutes at a time (you can speed things up with a timelapse clock, though), waiting to hear back from units, or order a platoon into combat only to be met with silence.” Kotaku