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上次更新于2020/07/30简介MoeLife is about playing one small part in a much larger story. You only live an hour, but time and space in this game is infinite. You can only do so much in one lifetime, but the tech tree in this game will take hundreds of generations to fully explore. This game is also about family trees. Having a mother who takes care of you as a baby, and hopefully taking care of a baby yourself later in life. And your mother is another player. And your baby is another player. Building something to use in your lifetime, but inevitably realizing that, in the end, what you build is not for YOU, but for your children and all the countless others that will come after you. Proudly using your grandmother's ax, and then passing it on to your own grandchild as the end of your life nears. And looking at each life as a unique story. I was this kid born in this situation, but I eventually grew up. I built a bakery near the wheat fields. Over time, I watched my grandmother and mother grow old and die. I had some kids of my own along the way, but they are grown now... and look at my character now! She's an old woman. What a life passed by in this little hour of mine. After I die, this life will be over and gone forever. I can be born again, but I can never live this unique story again. Everything's changing. I'll be born as a different person in a different place and different time, with another unique story to experience in the next hour...
开发者的话===关于版权=== 作者的版权协议原文:网页链接 Jason在版权声明文档中,明确指出“本作品不受版权保护”——我把它放在了公共领域里,你可以做任何改动,没有限制,也不需要得到许可。 ===关于素材=== 素材源自杰森、MoeLife画师团、2HOL、坩埚人生以及其他。 2HOL以及坩埚人生的素材均已经过作者同意。 同人角色、兽耳酱等角色为玩家自行二次创作,他们将不会用于商业行为。 MoeLife的原创角色、内容与素材版权归MoeLife团队所有,未经过授权禁止用于商业行为。 如有异议请联系我们。