简介Legends of Astra is the newest Side-Scroll action MMORPG for mobile. [Features] 1. Companion Party-System and Collections No more solo leveling. Setup a party even when your friends are not online. Collect and evolve up to 40 different kinds of companions and summon them in battle. 2. Real-time Game Legends of Astra focuses on building a strong community! Chat with active players, do real-time transactions and hunt with your friends! Compete, communicate, interact with other players and feel greater fulfillment and satisfaction! 3. Enhancement and Crafting System Try different ways of weapon and armor enhancement and maximize your equipment stats and abilities. 4. PVP, Guild war and Boss Raid Enjoy intense PVP, Guild war and Boss raid battle in real-time. [Minimum Specifications] Android OS 4.1.0 or later, RAM 1GB or higher ■ Contact and community - Do you need any help? Please contact the official cafe board or the following address: help.dreamideasoft@gmail.com - Subscribe to our official page to receive the latest news and updates. Official Facebook Page: fb.com/legendsofastra ■ Terms of Service and Privacy Policies By downloading this game, you must read and agreed to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. 网页链接 ■ Contacts - Address:Unit 1207,489, Dongdaegu-ro, Daegu, Korea - Business permit number: 115-86-00908 - Contact: (+82)070-7805-6046