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上次更新于2022/07/06简介絕佳槍feel,多變玩法嘅爽快戰鬥,緊張刺激嘅賽事節奏,打造最完整嘅即時競技FPS手遊 ◆全球即時競技,亞洲實時對戰強勢開啟! ◆暗殺全殲掩護+單人翻盤,FPS硬核最愛! ◆突破移動端瓶頸,真正純粹的6V6即時對戰! ◆虛擬現實VR端和移動手機端互聯對戰,引爆VR電競! ◆國際爭霸賽、電競排位賽、精英賽事、VR體驗賽,賽事全面升級! ◆一鋪三分鐘,隨時隨地,想戰就戰! 【重要更新內容】 1、亞洲實時對戰全面開放,點燃你內心的戰火。 2、新增超時空級武器 AWP-煉獄:超時空武器AWP系列狙擊槍,爆頭增加子彈的專屬屬性,持續作戰能力出眾! AK47-星辰:超時空級別AK47系列步槍,屬性全面提升!超高傷害、精準的射速、更穩定的後坐力!征戰前線的利器! 電鋸-驚魂:超時空系列近戰武器,高達100點的基礎傷害!能夠壹擊多殺,開啟瘋狂屠戮! 3、新增三臺全新僚機 雷神之子:專屬“雷電領域”可以制造大量持續傷害並且麻痹目標 急凍先驅:專屬技能“霜凍”造成少額持續傷害並且冰凍目標 風行者:專屬“機動強化”可以額外獲得移動速度加成以及減傷屬性 4、全新模式,唔同嘅玩法更多樂趣。 新增僚機競技模式 全新挑戰模式,精英賽事,單人模式以及組隊進入副本進行挑戰,挑戰完成領取豐厚獎勵!與戰友壹起攜手共進 5、全新地圖,全新體驗。 6、新增至尊靶場道具 新增傳奇系列槍支,更酷炫的武器特效,更穩定的戰鬥表現。 【優化內容】 1、加載優化,運行更流暢 2、界面優化,操作更方便 3、畫質優化,體驗更真實 【聯繫我們】 粉絲專頁: www.facebook.com/thekillbox2016/ 推特: 网页链接 粉絲社區:网页链接 客訴郵箱:Email us @ thekillbox@ugamehome.com ***為了更流暢射擊體驗,我們建議您在Wifi下開啟遊戲,同時確保手機設備RAM空間為2GB以上!*** ***溫馨提醒:遊戲語言只有英文*** ------------------------ We've set out to create a first person shooter that is accessible to EVERYONE. Annihilate the completion in real-time PVP, face off against your opponents in blast mode or check out our terrifying single player mode! The Killbox is coming at you with a brand new version and lots of new additions to keep the action going at a blazing pace! With new maps, awesome weapons and a new elite competition system; The Killbox will blow you away! Features: Intense, immersive real-time FPS action - Experience incredible 360 arena combat with our fully optimized VR component - Hectic 6 VS 6 real-time battles - Awesome tactical movement system with console-like shooting experience - Different real-world guns to choose from Addictive multiplayer gameplay - Work together with friends to annihilate your enemies in Team Mode - Experience the terror of fighting off teammates once they’ve become the living dead - Leap over the heads of your adversaries in space mode. Varied and realistic scenarios - Experience the intensity of the killbox through a series of immersive detailed maps. - Feel the chaos of war on the battlefield with intense, lifelike animation. eSports for EVERYONE - Fair matches with no upgrading systems available for guns - Open matches for everyone, and every day! New Additions - DRONE WARFARE: Choose from 6 awesome drones to help you win the fight! - Wolf Pack mode added to open entry and scheduled elite competitions! - Grab the new AK47 – GHOSTBANE and strike fear into the hearts of your enemies! - Get your hands on the AWP PRIMEVAL and lay the arena to waste! - Take out the BONE SAW and cut down the competition! - New Maps - Head to Head mode - Blast Mode, now with auto-fire capability! ***For an optimal shooting experience players should have 2GB+RAM and 4G or wifi *** Think you and your squad can survive the killbox? Download and see how you stack up! For more information on upcoming events, releases, and activities Follow us on Twitter @网页链接 Like us on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/thekillbox2016/ Join our community @ 网页链接 Email us @ thekillbox@ugamehome.com