独角兽厨师: 美人鱼做饭游戏游戏介绍
- 100%免费
- 超级有趣的烹饪游戏,超多美人鱼独角兽甜点!
- 定期更新新的美人鱼食物制作小游戏
- 制作美味的美人鱼独角兽彩虹甜点:鱼尾蛋糕、人鱼彩虹棉花糖、人鱼吐司、人鱼饼干、人鱼奶昔、人鱼沙冰、人鱼蛋糕球等等
- 可体验许许多多真实的烹饪工具:烤箱、奶油袋、碎冰机、冰淇淋分装机、食品搅拌机、冰块模具、速冻机、铲子、蛋糕模具、勺子、碗盘等等
- 可尝试许许多多的食材以及装饰:水果、糖果、糖屑、牛奶、面粉、盐、黄油、鸡蛋、巧克力酱、冰淇淋、棉花糖、饼干等等
- 按照游戏中的手势提示、箭头提示、图标提示等等去一步一步烹饪食物
- 尝试使用不同的工具去制作食物
- 混合不同的原料,为你的食物创造出独一无二的口味与色彩
- 使用美丽的糖屑、糖果、水果、棍子、以及吸管去装饰你的食物
- 品尝甜点的同时去触发神奇的彩虹魔法
- 100%免费
- 超级有趣的烹饪游戏,超多美人鱼独角兽甜点!
- 定期更新新的美人鱼食物制作小游戏
- 制作美味的美人鱼独角兽彩虹甜点:鱼尾蛋糕、人鱼彩虹棉花糖、人鱼吐司、人鱼饼干、人鱼奶昔、人鱼沙冰、人鱼蛋糕球等等
- 可体验许许多多真实的烹饪工具:烤箱、奶油袋、碎冰机、冰淇淋分装机、食品搅拌机、冰块模具、速冻机、铲子、蛋糕模具、勺子、碗盘等等
- 可尝试许许多多的食材以及装饰:水果、糖果、糖屑、牛奶、面粉、盐、黄油、鸡蛋、巧克力酱、冰淇淋、棉花糖、饼干等等
- 按照游戏中的手势提示、箭头提示、图标提示等等去一步一步烹饪食物
- 尝试使用不同的工具去制作食物
- 混合不同的原料,为你的食物创造出独一无二的口味与色彩
- 使用美丽的糖屑、糖果、水果、棍子、以及吸管去装饰你的食物
- 品尝甜点的同时去触发神奇的彩虹魔法
4.4 (20220829)2022/09/01
Our new game Unicorn Slime is now officially out! You can download the game for free here:
New Foods this week:
- Mermicorn Tail Cake
If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!
Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@kidsfoodinc.com
As always I read every review and email you send to us :)
Unicorn Forever! KFOOD Team
New Foods this week:
- Mermicorn Tail Cake
If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!
Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@kidsfoodinc.com
As always I read every review and email you send to us :)
Unicorn Forever! KFOOD Team
4.3 (20220711)2022/07/15
Our new game Unicorn Slime is now officially out! You can download the game for free here:
New Foods this week:
- Mermicorn Tail Cake
If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!
Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@kidsfoodinc.com
As always I read every review and email you send to us :)
Unicorn Forever! KFOOD Team
New Foods this week:
- Mermicorn Tail Cake
If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!
Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@kidsfoodinc.com
As always I read every review and email you send to us :)
Unicorn Forever! KFOOD Team
4.2 (20220613)2022/06/17
Our new game Unicorn Slime is now officially out! You can download the game for free here:
New Foods this week:
- Mermicorn Tail Cake
If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!
Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@kidsfoodinc.com
As always I read every review and email you send to us :)
Unicorn Forever! KFOOD Team
New Foods this week:
- Mermicorn Tail Cake
If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!
Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@kidsfoodinc.com
As always I read every review and email you send to us :)
Unicorn Forever! KFOOD Team