Cafeland - 餐厅游戏游戏介绍
立即在 Cafeland 开启世界厨房之旅!发挥你的烹饪技能,从菜单上选择美味的饭菜款待顾客。为世界闻名的大型成功企业奠定基础,在烹饪热潮中踌躇满志!从小吃店到世界闻名的咖啡馆!
在这款咖啡馆游戏中装饰并设计自己梦想中的地方!烹饪美味的食物,让顾客满意 — 在 Cafeland 的创建者看来,这款新的烹饪游戏非常棒!
在 Cafeland 中,你可以烹饪几十种菜肴;甜点、开胃菜、快餐等应有尽有,构成了一款完美的厨房游戏!更不用说还有数百种闪闪发光的新物品来装饰你的咖啡馆了。准备好当咖啡馆老板了吗?大厨,在 Cafeland 中开始餐厅游戏吧,因为这是你的地盘!
玩 Cafeland 时遇到问题或要提供建议/反馈?我们希望收到你的来信!
你可以在玩游戏期间使用设置中的“联系”按钮,或发送电子邮件至 联系我们
©2016 Gamegos - 保留所有权利
在这款咖啡馆游戏中装饰并设计自己梦想中的地方!烹饪美味的食物,让顾客满意 — 在 Cafeland 的创建者看来,这款新的烹饪游戏非常棒!
在 Cafeland 中,你可以烹饪几十种菜肴;甜点、开胃菜、快餐等应有尽有,构成了一款完美的厨房游戏!更不用说还有数百种闪闪发光的新物品来装饰你的咖啡馆了。准备好当咖啡馆老板了吗?大厨,在 Cafeland 中开始餐厅游戏吧,因为这是你的地盘!
玩 Cafeland 时遇到问题或要提供建议/反馈?我们希望收到你的来信!
你可以在玩游戏期间使用设置中的“联系”按钮,或发送电子邮件至 联系我们
©2016 Gamegos - 保留所有权利
2.2.46 (2002046)2022/09/06
- New Spin sets including Easter items (coming soon!)
- New personal offers!
- New Watch & Win feature!
- Now you can sell multiple items at once!
* Performance improvements have been made.
* Bug fix for celebrity invitation is ready.
* Bug fix for not being able to claim achievement rewards is ready.
- New personal offers!
- New Watch & Win feature!
- Now you can sell multiple items at once!
* Performance improvements have been made.
* Bug fix for celebrity invitation is ready.
* Bug fix for not being able to claim achievement rewards is ready.
2.2.44 (2002044)2022/08/22
- New Spin sets including Easter items (coming soon!)
- New personal offers!
- New Watch & Win feature!
- Now you can sell multiple items at once!
* Performance improvements have been made.
* Bug fix for celebrity invitation is ready.
* Bug fix for not being able to claim achievement rewards is ready.
- New personal offers!
- New Watch & Win feature!
- Now you can sell multiple items at once!
* Performance improvements have been made.
* Bug fix for celebrity invitation is ready.
* Bug fix for not being able to claim achievement rewards is ready.
2.2.42 (2002042)2022/08/08
- New Spin sets including Easter items (coming soon!)
- New personal offers!
- New Watch & Win feature!
- Now you can sell multiple items at once!
* Performance improvements have been made.
* Bug fix for celebrity invitation is ready.
* Bug fix for not being able to claim achievement rewards is ready.
- New personal offers!
- New Watch & Win feature!
- Now you can sell multiple items at once!
* Performance improvements have been made.
* Bug fix for celebrity invitation is ready.
* Bug fix for not being able to claim achievement rewards is ready.