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上次更新于2020/08/28简介仰望星空,你是否也曾嚮往過外面的世界,無盡的太空,廣袤的銀河,你是否也想要去探索去冒險。現在就行動起來吧,駕駛著超現代的宇宙飛船,裝備上最先進的激光武器,來一場說走就走的宇宙探險吧。 駕駛著不同形態的飛船,航行在浩瀚的宇宙當中,探索未知的星系,發現全新的星球,或是採集資源,升級武器,消滅敵人,挑戰BOSS。在這裡你可以做任何事情,宇宙沒有邊界,遊戲也是。 遊戲特性: -真實的宇宙奇觀,壯觀的星球景色,華麗的場景等待你的遨遊 -10艘風格與操作都不盡相同的飛船,一定有一款適合你 -數十種可升級定制的不同能力的武器,任意組合,自由搭配 -接受任務,探索星系,消滅敵人,成為宇宙的主宰 --- You are Earth’s last hope! Take control of the starship and find alien resources for Earth’s survival! You need to shoot down the alien enemies while embarking on an interstellar adventure. Fight for your side and master the galaxy! Galaxy Strike is the No.1 3D space shooting action simulator on Android. Game Features: - Cutting-edge interface, delivering stunning galactic imagery - Transform your starship with numerous upgrades and abilities - Beautiful levels with immersive missions to complete - Various spaceships with their own unique weapons