ARIA的遗产 - 身临其境的体验游戏截图
ARIA的遗产 - 身临其境的体验

ARIA的遗产 - 身临其境的体验

ARIA的遗产 - 身临其境的体验


简介ARia’s Legacy是首款利用增强现实技术 (Augmented Reality; AR) 设计出来的可以在移动设备上玩的密室逃生游戏。和别的只能在你现有的家具上投上物体影像的app相比,ARia’s Legacy会在你的现有空间内创造一个全新的虚拟环境,并且可以让你在你的空间内到处探索发现新的虚拟事物。借助了ARkit的力量,你可以利用你的iPhone或者iPad使自己完全沉浸在不同程度的神秘世界,去了解ARia的传奇史以揭开她突然离奇失踪的原因。 在ARia's Legacy游戏里面,你将会是一名考古学家。某一天你和你的考古队正在你们新的考古遗址勘察,突然,你发现了一个古老的木箱,你赶紧用身边的工具把它挖掘出来后准备尝试把箱子打开,然而你却被投入了一个陌生却又隐约熟悉的密室。你发掘的木箱和 “ARia” 的名字成为你仅有的线索,利用这些线索冷静思考以逃出密室,回到你考古队员的身边。 ARia’s Legacy is the first mobile escape room game using fully immersive AR. Instead of displaying objects on a table in front of you, it creates a virtual environment around your physical space that has you walking around your room discovering parts that were never there before. Through the power of ARKit, you can immerse yourself in different levels of mystery using an iPhone or iPad, as you uncover the story behind ARia’s sudden disappearance and discover her legacy. In ARia's Legacy, you are part of a team of archaeologists excitedly looking for artifacts at your newest archaeological site. Suddenly, your shovel strikes a chest that you quickly unearth with the help of various tools around you. But when you try to open it, you are seemingly thrown into a locked room that is at once familiar and eerily foreign to you. Your only clue seems to be the chest that you found and the name “ARia" ringing in your head.