Commander Battle

Commander Battle

Commander Battle


简介军事防御游戏,您可以感受到实时真实世界游戏的刺激! Commander Battle! 击败正在聚集的敌人,首先摧毁敌人的基地,并赢得胜利! ■实时与世界各地的用户竞争的PVP模式是最有趣的! ■任何年轻人都可以轻松操作玩军事防御游戏! ■考虑简单的简单关系,你可以轻松击败敌方单位! ■收集各种单位并使它们变得更加强大很有趣! ■有各种主题阶段的活动模式! ■除了活动模式和PVP模式,还有挑战模式和排名模式! ■支持10种语言和平板电脑,成就和排行榜! ■ Required Permission The following permissions are required for smooth game play : 1. Access to your device pictures, media, and files. - This is the permission required to save files on devices to run the game. [Android 6.0 OS or higher user Notification] You have to allow the authority for smooth game play. Apps Management-> Commander Battle -> Permissions -> allow ■ Homepage 网页链接 ■ Facebook 网页链接 ■ YouTube 网页链接