2022/12/03781 浏览攻略
**Progression Guideline : Update 12/3/2022**
**Room 1 to 700** New to the game
Best weapon of choice, Sword + staff combo
You're farming relics in this stage of the game and without the Card function (at 700), you cannot unlock V2 skills yet.
Return as often as you can, using rush at the end to farm Relic pieces and unlock them for more stat.
*Spend your Gems on A + S costume that unlock Attack, Skill dmg and Crit status.* These stats are permanently unlocked and will work on any weapon.
Also unlock the skill runes along the way.
*Train all your weapon to maximum proficiency for more stat.*
You get roughly the same exp at all stage of the game so *forcing yourself to dive deeper won't make you level faster.*
*For Fairy, Sinbad is your best until you have a full SS roster.* Outside that, just mix in other damage fairies you have with good damage as only low rank Sinbad is that good.
**Room 700 - 9000** Unlocked the card function and start farming gears
You can now obtain cards and enhance your weapon playstyle and make them so strong you won't use weapon swap for a long time.
**With 4 slots unlocked, Greatsword+Staff is still your best damage.**
**With 6 slots unlocked, Staff has the highest damage**
**With 8 slots unlocked, you can play whatever you like and their power level will differ based on how much you invest in all the costumes and rune slots + high rarity cards.**
**Room 4000 is when you start to buy SS Costume for your weapon you will be maining.**
There are now 3 SS costume piece per category per weapon. However, the recently added 2 require you to be using V2 skills which require all 8 cards so grab the cheap older one first as that affect your skills fully. The only one you can grab early and receive full benefits from is *Admiral's Bow*.
For fairies, Pre-SS, you're still using Sinbad. With maxed out gear and 40%+ Crit rate, add in an A Glacio. 3rd fairy is just whatever the best one you have beside those 2
**After Room 5000, you will unlock SS Relics, **requiring around 150000 relic pieces to complete. 5 new relics have been added that are a must-get to help you farm much faster; They are **Soul of Hymnal**, **Darkness Stone**, **Phoenix Feather**, **Exotic Amethyst** and **Master's Sleeping Mask**. Prioritize unlocking and upgrading these then go back to farming key and just upgrading relics along the
way. No need to focus on getting all SS relics upgraded as soon as possible.
**Room 9000+** Endgame farming
This is where you start to dive deep daily and farm golden key, ending the push at room 9000 or even deeper like 11k and so on.
This will assume you have a full level 50 SS gear, full relic, full S card decks by minimum, full SS fairies and all the required costume+skill rune unlocked.
It might take a month or two to reach this point.
Thanks to the latest update, all weapons are strong enough to stomp their way to 13.5k where you get the last reward chest and start returning to farm for more golden keys.
However, not every weapon require the same amount of investment to reach there stomp potential where you just farm repeat a trip to 13-14k over and over to get as much keys per day. Below is the current state of the weapon ranked based on *how cheap and easy it is to get the weapon to function*
1) Staff. Staff at the current state of the game has the best damage and can push to 14k the fastest but has the worst farming speed later on when other weapon catches up.
2)Great sword. The most versatile one after Staff thanks to the buff. Easier to get into from the start of the game along with Staff.
3)Dagger. Farm slightly slower than GS but can push faster, no where near as fast as Staff. Need a lot of rune and SS costume.
4)Bow. Very expensive weapon now but will have top and consistent speed. Need everything include specific cards too.
For fairies, use SS Glacio, Olla and Nix for the best farming. Use Sancho instead of Nix on GS.