Tallowmere v345 Changelog
Hello TapTap players, Tallowmere version 345 is now live:
• To help fix missing font issues, the Noto Sans CJK SC font has been embedded.
• Improved out-of-bounds position detection when using the Katana or Emerald Dagger.
• Fixed the Flag Runner achievement displaying the wrong text.
• Fixed an issue where you could spawn outside the room when starting the game.
• Fixed an issue where Bloats could chase you after cloaking with the Emerald Dagger.
• Fixed an issue where the game could freeze after starting a Challenge.
• Fixed an issue where the game could freeze if you talked to the Tireless Guard with blood disabled.
• Added persistent English text for the “Options” and “Language” menu items to prevent confusion if the language was set incorrectly.
• Added Turkish — translated by A. Ozkal.
• Various minor translation text fixes.
• Performance improvements.
•为了帮助修复缺少的字体问题,已经嵌入了Noto Sans CJK SC字体。
•使用Katana或Emerald Dagger时,改进了超出位置的检测。
•修正了显示错误文本的Flag Runner成就。
•添加土耳其语 - 由A. Ozkal翻译。