
精华2018/06/15398 浏览综合
Barry Meade先生
1. 对于中国市场会不会出一些有中国特色的谜题?
We don’t rule in (or out!) any ideas that would help make our games better but we are cautious when imposing rules on our designs purely to appeal to a specific audience as we try to be universal. Moreover to us, creative work is only really legitimate when it is expressed honestly, and we can only honestly speak from our own experience. So on a language & culture level, yes we are different to almost everyone but on a human level we are very much the same. We believe games are already an international medium because of this, so we hope that anyone in China or America can understand our work on a basic level, in the same way Europeans can enjoy Chinese movies and vice versa.
2. 如何看待对于中国玩家对西洋文化了解不多(多数玩家并没有深入了解圣女贞德,十字军等等方面知识)而可能导致无法解题从而失去对游戏的兴趣这个问题?
Possibly, but on the other hand, consuming art & culture from different places is what makes us all learn about each other. Our worry would be if we try to make games appear like they come from nowhere, that have no strong flavours, we’d end up with a boring or tasteless experience. We don’t think gamers want that. So I would hope people see video games as a window through which you can experience new ideas, people & places. There is a fantasy element to gaming which I think is very important – people want to be swept away into another world for a few minutes or hours. If we make our games too familiar to players, we make it less exciting too.
3. 当oldsins在google play上架时,中国玩家纷纷吐槽“八国语言无中文”。为什么最近开始重视中国市场呢?
Two reasons really – first, we started as a small independent developer and it has taken us many years to begin to think globally, like bigger studios do. There are still many countries that don’t have a localised version of our games but beyond European languages, China was one of the first we wanted to make happen. Secondly, even our English language games sold well in China and the rest of Asia, so that was a signal to us that we should take China more seriously. However we had to find a partner that could help us push the game to Chinese gamers and we believe we have found that with Netease.
4. 第三部为什么安排四个结局?分别的用意是什么?
首先,我们希望不同的玩家可以获得不同的游戏体验。也许你和你的朋友都通关的游戏,但可能玩的是不同的故事。其次,这个设定也让游戏有了重玩的可能性,喜欢迷室(The Room)的玩家多了一个重新玩一遍游戏的理由。第三,我们也希望游戏能有一个部分要比正常的难度还要难一点,因为有很多的玩家很喜欢这样高难度的挑战。所以,对我们来说,设置三个结局似乎是实现以上三个目标最好的选择。
First we wanted varied players to have varied experiences, so they could finish the game & have a different experience and story to their friends. Secondly, it gave the game replay-ability – so now, players who love the game would have a reason to try play it again. Thirdly, we wanted the game to have a section that was much more difficult than normal, as some players really enjoy a hard challenge. So it was more work for us but multiple endings seemed the best way to achieve all three goals.
5. 皇家学院的合照是不是制作组用自己照片P的?
I’ll tell you a secret: all the human figures you see in our games are members of the development team, or in some cases our wives & partners, dressed up in 19th century clothing! We do all of our cut-scenes & live action filming ourselves in our studio, so in a small way we get to write, produce & star in our own games. This is great fun and I think by now, everyone in the studio has dressed up at least once to help make it happen.
6. 迷室的机关设计真的很巧妙,他们是怎样被设计出来的呢?
大量的研究和迭代。在制作游戏之前,我们的设计师对一些古董机械、历史潮流和古典建筑进行了大量研究。我们也深受19世纪科幻小说和恐怖小说的影响。 当我们第一次制作谜题时,它们都是非常基本的三维形状(例如正方形或长方形)。我们对谜题进行了反复的试玩和测试,不断优化和打磨。当我们觉得谜题的难度达到合适标准的时候,我们就会从头开始更为精细的3D建模工作。在这之后,我们只能期待玩家会喜欢这些谜题。关于游戏,你有哪些认可的地方,只要你愿意分享,我们一定会认真聆听。
A lot of research and a lot of iteration. Our designers do a lot of study on historic machines, fashions, architecture before we make our games. We also are very influenced by 19th century science fiction & horror novels. When we first make the puzzles they are in very basic 3D shapes (such as squares or rectangles) and we do a lot of playing & testing of the puzzles to hone the design. Then when we are happy the puzzle is up to the correct standard, we rebuild it from scratch into much more detailed 3D graphics. After tha, we just hope players enjoy them, and we listen when they tell us what they liked.
7. Is it possible that there will be an official concept art book? And if there is possibility, will Netease still be the commercial agent for you or I can purchase it on Amazon? I also want to know the whole story‘s timeline Love your games and its gorgeous details!
我们暂时还没有这个计划,但我们也非常喜欢电子游戏的画册 - 也许我们应该与我们朋友的网易好好交流一下:P (小迷:来呀~~~)
This is not something we discussed but we are big fans of video game art books – perhaps we should speak with our friends at Netease :P
8. 有计划开发迷室的VR版本吗?
我们非常想针对VR平台研发一款迷室游戏,但是开发VR游戏目前对我们来说费用太高了,所以在VR游戏市场变得更大的之前,我们没有财力去支付启动这个项目。 但这会一直是我们的梦想,我们期待它会实现。
We would love to make a VR-exclusive Room game, however the Room games are very expensive for us to make and so until the VR market is bigger, we can’t afford to make a Room game for it just yet. However it remains a dream of ours to do that and we hope it will happen.
9. 除了解谜游戏,未来会尝试开发其他类型的游戏吗?
那必须的! 我们成立Fireproof之前,就在制作赛车和射击类的游戏方面有着很丰富的经验。所以对当时的我们来说,制作一款烧脑的游戏就是一次全新的挑战。 我们还制作了一款引以为傲的VR游戏叫做'Omega Agent',欢迎各位VR粉丝前来测评。 作为创意人,我们会继续进行更多尝试——迷室(TheRoom)也曾是我们的一个创新尝试,未来我们还会做更多。
Oh sure! Before we started Fireproof, we have a long history in making racing & shooter games so making puzzle games is like a break for us. We also made a VR game called ‘Omega Agent’ that we are proud of and we encourage VR fans to check out. But ultimately as creatives we like to experiment – The Room was an experiment for us and we hope to do new experiments in the future.