《鬼妇 Pamali》开发者日志No.1 - 大家好
Hi all! Time for Pamali's first devlog post!
大家好!这是来自《鬼妇 Pamali》印尼开发者团队的第一篇帖子!

Many people have been asking us about the full release. We're currently finishing up the first folklore, The White Lady. In the demo you only got the glimpse of the story. On the full game, you'll see what will happen to Jaka before and after the part you've played. See through Jaka's eyes from day one and what happens to him after the events occur on the demo!
很多人问过我们什么时候可以发布整个故事系列。目前我们已经完成了第一部作品 --《白衣鬼妇》。在Demo试玩中各位可以看到故事的雏形。而在正式版中,大家可以进一步探询男主人公杰卡过去的经历以对整个故事有个全面深入的了解。通过杰卡的视角,从回到老房子的第一夜开始,一步一步身临其境地体验试玩包中故事的后续发展!
You'll be able to experience more mystical phenomena and explore the lore of the White Lady. You'll also get closer to the truth about Jaka, his family, and the house.

Not just the story, we're also adding new objects and rooms to interact with.