
修改于2019/09/056604 浏览活动
Darian:While we have not announced a new Town Hall level after TH12, we are hard at work on new content.We have a couple more updates planned for this year and we're excited to announce them when they are ready.We are not stopping at TH12 and plan on many more years of new content for the Home Village, and we have tons of ideas for new content. So don't worry, we are not slowing down.
Eino:We've got something coming to tackle resourceoverflow and make being maxed out a bit more fun. Stay tuned!
Darian:We are only doing skins for the Home Village Heroes; Barbarian King, Archer Queen, and Grand Warden. Converting models to 3D for a 2D game is very time consuming. Maybe we might do it one day, but for now we're only doing skins for the Home Village.
Darian:Who knows? Town Hall 12 is definitely not the last level. There will be a TH13, 14, 15, etc. As long as there is a Clash team, we will keep making new levels, troops, spells, etc. However, adding a new resource is a difficult challenge. Dark Elixir is already a premium resource for higher levels. Adding another new premium resource doesn't really add much to the game and will add more complexity than necessary. During the development of TH12, we had considered looking at alternative resources or currency but in the end we prefer to stick to simplicity.
Eino:We're planning on increasing the trophy reset ceiling from 4000 to 5000. This should allow stronger players to more easily climb upwards and overall spread out the skill levels a bit wider, which should help you get opponents that are closer to your strength level.
6. 能否考虑加入头像与像框系统?头像好看很吸引眼球的。
Darian:Ooooh that's a fun idea. As I said earlier, improvements to the social aspect of Clash of Clans is something we'd like to do. I feel we could add more personalizations to the game to make it feel more like "our own". But it would entirely depend on how high of a priority it would be when compared to other content we are working on.
7. 武神已经好长时间没在部落冲突出现了,能否加强一下?
Eino:Balancing the usefulness of troops is a never ending task for our game designers. Every time we buff or nerf a troop, this will have a chain reaction in the game and will affect the usefulness of other troops. We have very talented designers constantly looking at the game data to see how often troops are used, how useful they are, etc. If we feel a troop is becoming useless or too weak, our designers will make changes as necessary. Sometimes that means a new level and sometimes that means we increase their stats (damage, health, etc).
8. 夜世界的飞猪点太厉害,要不要削弱一波?
Eino:He's a wild one. We definitely have our eye on him. But a nerf? Let's see. We'll take a look at the data and use it to decide whether he needs to be taken down a notch.
9. 第四种攻城机器是什么呢?
Eino:What an interesting question... maybe a bit like a mobile home? I better stop talking before the artists decide to shut me down.
Darian:Try to imagine how small other characters in the game are when you use troops. Heroes are large enough where you can see the skin's details. But converting other units to 3D simply may not be worth the effort at this time because of how small troops are.
Darian:We have done obstacles for the Builder Base in the past. I believe we did one for Chinese New Year.
Darian:This is an idea that has come up in design discussions a few times. We would love to create content where multiple players can work together to defeat a challenge. There are a lot of technical obstacles to create something like that and it's something we might do in the future, but it is something that would take quite a bit of time to develop.
Eino:The team changed and we somehow lost the technology for making ships. I'm sure there's new lands, but we'll need to find a new way to get to them..
Eino:Like all other troops, each troop fills a very specific role and part of a strategy. it's the combination of those troops and how they are used by the player that is important. As with the Hog Glider, Hog Rider, and every other troop, if we feel that certain units are too powerful or being overly used too much then we will make balance changes as necessary.
Eino:Maybe something that also would slow down enemy defenses? Making hero abilities that are just good against enemy troops is tricky, since their usage would be very limited. The only time you would get value out of them would be when fighting against the enemy clan castle reinforcements.
Eino:I also find the Roaster terrifying, but the other designer on the team always laughs maniacally when I complain about it. Maybe I can try again to get him to do something to it..
Eino:Yup, we're thinking about this as well. Builder Base could certainly be a bit more rewarding outside of the three attacks you can do per day. Let's see if we can find a good, balanced way to achieve this.
Eino:But the Earthquake is massive nowadays at maximum level! But, I agree that Lightning still struggles to keep up with other spells in terms of value. Let's see if we find a good way to buff it without making it exploitable.
Darian:Last time we sent someone into the forest, they never came back. So, don't expect me to go see what's on the other side. Maybe we can send Eino.
Eino:Yes, we're working on some right now. Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to releasing the next update.
Darian:Having leveling up be more rewarding would be great indeed! Here too we have some ideas that we're going to take some time to implement down the line. Yours is a great addition to that!
22.你好,我想问一下,在夜世界宣传片里有法师,那么法师在什么时候出呢,是十本吗?他又有那些技能?是可以 发射其他元素的魔法吗?
Darian:When the Hog Rider, Barbarian, and Wizard took their boat to discover the Builder Base, someone had to take the boat back to the Home Village. We think that the Hog Rider and Wizard took the boat back together so Wizard never stayed in the Builder Base. Of course, that's just one idea. It's entirely possible he could've gotten scared and ran into the forest and disappeared. Maybe one day we'll see him again.
Darian:Adding an auto chess feature, while interesting, doesn't feel like it's part of the Clash of Clans world. It's possible that maybe a future new Supercell game might do something like that but it's unlikely to be something we'd add to Clash of Clans.
Darian:Over the past 2 years, we have reduced the upgrade times of the Heroes, buildings, troops, etc. This was done to help players upgrade faster and reach TH12 sooner! While we have seen players reach higher levels much faster than before, especially with the introduction of Magic Items, we are keeping an eye on upgrade times to see if more balancing is needed in the future.
Eino:No plans to change how heroes and upgrading works at the moment, especially since there's now so many more ways to work around the upgrade times, from Builder Potions to Books of Heroes, most of which you can earn for free from various activities!
Eino:We'll keep an eye on the prices as we go along. We want the highest levels to always require more effort to achieve, but at the same time feel that you should be able to enjoy the game no matter what, especially when you're still working your way upwards through the early levels. If prices need adjusting to achieve this, we'll do it.
Darian:I feel that the revenge system would require a rework due to how the shield rules have changed over the years. We'd like to fix it so that you could have revenge when you want instead of having to try and catch your attackers at a time where they have no shield. If we can achieve that, then the next step would be to see if we need to make revenge attacks more rewarding and what the best way to go about it would be.
Darian:This is something that was recently discussed with our anti-fraud team. We are always looking at ways to reduce the amount of spam/advertisements in game. It's a very difficult task but I believe the team has a few ideas they would like to implement in the future.
Eino:Great question and one that has also been on our mind. Home Village is at the heart of Clash of Clans and we feel that it's very important to make sure our players keep enjoying building it up and playing with it. We're exploring different options on how to make your life in the village more engaging and fun besides attacking and there's a few promising ideas that we're working on. Stay tuned.
It's important also to not mmediately react and think "WE NEED TO FIX THIS". Sometimes players are very good at coming up with their own answers with new troop combinations.
Darian: We get asked this question a lot but we do not have any plans to allow Walls to be upgraded with Dark Elixir. Dark Elixir is a premium resource that is mainly collected by attacking other players. This means the defending player needs to have Dark Elixir available to be stolen by the attacker. If a player can use Dark Elixir to upgrade their Walls, this would lead to a decrease in the amount of Dark Elixir available. This would have a negative effect on the game economy.
Eino:Interesting idea. Something to consider for sure! 想法不错呀年轻人,让我们再好好想想吧!
Darian:Clan Games are meant to be a group experience, not about the individual. Therefore, when a Clan reaches a certain tier of rewards, it's because the Clan contributed to it. However, we feel it is up to each Clan how they decide to manage each member's contributions through communication. For example, if a Clan reached 49950 points but a single Clan member completed 50 points which allowed them to reach 50,000, should that Clan member receive the rewards? We feel they should. If it wasn't for that 50 points, the rest of the Clan wouldn't receive the 50,000 point rewards. As we said, Clan Games are a social contribution where everyone benefits. Even if someone only contributes 50 points, they are not stealing rewards from any other member. All other members are still able to get their rewards.
Darian:Balancing the upgrade times between troops, spells, defenses, and Heroes is one of the main strategies of Clash of Clans. Players have to decide what they should upgrade next and we feel this is a very important part of the Clash experience. Spending the time to upgrade is part of the experience that helps teach players how to use different spells and troops. Although we have shortened the time a lot over the last couple years and also introduced new Magic Items to speed up the time, we feel that the core learning experience is the same.
Darian:Balancing the upgrade times between troops, spells, defenses, and Heroes is one of the main strategies of Clash of Clans. Players have to decide what they should upgrade next and we feel this is a very important part of the Clash experience. Spending the time to upgrade is part of the experience that helps teach players how to use different spells and troops. Although we have shortened the time a lot over the last couple years and also introduced new Magic Items to speed up the time, we feel that the core learning experience is the same.
Darian:O.T.T.O. is an absolute marvel of technology and a difficult undertaking even for the Master Builder. That said, we have been thinking of perhaps making earning resources in Builder Base a bit more flexible to help you guys have a bit more control over when you get the powerful little builder unlocked.
Darian:Regarding storing Magic Items, we also have to consider what the effect will be if you can store more Magic Items. For example, if we released TH13, and if you had so many Magic Items that allowed you to instantly upgrade everything in a single day, that would make the experience less meaningful. Part of the important experience of Clash of Clans is the learning experience and growing with the rest of your Clan.
Eino:To add to Darian's point, we also found early on that without storage limits people would just never use any of their Magic Items since there always might be a better time to use them in the future. Magic Items are meant for you to get faster progress and by having a low storage limit we can encourage players to use them to claim new ones.
Darian:We are in discussion with multiple teams in how we can improve in-game communication. One of the main uses of that channel is for players to recruit members into their Clans. One thing we're looking at is how we can improve the Clan recruitment process and allow players to find Clans that better suit their play style.
我们目前正在和不同团队沟通,希望能进一步优化游戏内的沟通功能。公众聊天的主要功能之一是方便首领们招募新的部落成员。目前我们正在全力解决的是如何改善部落招募成员的流程 ,让首领们可以找到更适合自己游戏节奏的部落。
Darian:We don't really see the need for a private messaging system. We want Clan communication to be just that...part of the Clan. Furthermore, with private messaging, this would require greater safety measures in place to protect people from harassment.
Darian:That is an interesting idea. One of our future goals is to improve the Clan experience, including how Clan members interact with each other as well as other players. We feel that the social experience of Clash of Clans is something we can really improve. With that said, I don't know if a marriage system is something we would implement as there could be some social challenges in how to implement that in various regions. Nor are we sure what the benefits would be for such a system.
Darian:We don't really see the need for a private messaging system. We want Clan communication to be just that...part of the Clan. Furthermore, with private messaging, this would require greater safety measures in place to protect people from harassment.
Eino:Creating a translation tool would be incredibly difficult, which is why we have the different regional Global Channels; so players from their own regions can communicate with each other. Given how differently people use chat (slang, shorthand, etc.) it would be nearly impossible to have a translator that perfectly conveys the correct context.
Darian:We have a long list of social improvements we'd like to add to the game. A VERY long list, and adding ways of creating new friendships or even adding labels to friends is something we'd like to do in the future, but there are other high priority improvements we'd like to add first.
Eino:We prefer players have the ability to keep their locations private. 我们还是更想让玩家们可以好好地保护自己的隐私信息哦。
Eino:Village backgrounds are pretty intensive from an art workload perspective, but we'd love to add more vanity stuff to the Gold Pass. We're currently throwing around different ideas within the team, let's see where we land!
Darian:Automating the reward collection feels like a step backwards to us. We want the Season Challenges to be interactive. Collecting your rewards should feel like you have earned something. If it's autocollected, it's easy to forget about. We feel the experience is much more important.
Darian:We do not plan on bringing back previous skins to the Gold Pass. We feel bringing previous skins would reduce the value of those skins that players have earned in the past. However, we are evaluating ways to MAYBE bring back skins that have been popular in future offers. We haven't decided on how to proceed yet since the skins have only been out for a few months.
Eino:To be honest, we'd love it too. That said, making a full-length feature film is a totally different proposition from short animations and we're first and foremost a gaming company. But you never know! Maybe with the right partners and the right ideas it could happen one day.
Darian:One of the fun things about Clash is that so many people make their own stories about the characters. From fan art, to written stories, to even the Clash-A-Rama series, it's a world full of players' imaginations. We like to keep that creativity alive in the community. Our passion comes from creating the game world, but we feel so rewarded from the stories our players create in our worlds.
Darian:I think maybe the Barbarian and I were brothers separated when we were born. He has a blonde moustache while mine is brown. He likes hitting things with his head as do I. In English, "Barbarian" sounds a lot like "Darian" so it's possible we might be related. I'll have to ask my parents about that.
Darian:Two months? I wish! The month of July is considered a very popular summer month to take a holiday so it's very common for people living in Finland to take time off during this summer month.
Darian:My mother would disagree with you and thinks I'm very weird looking.
Darian:We usually just stare meaningfully at each other. It can be very awkward at times, but it's better than talking. If things get really heated up, you might lift your eyebrows slightly. A64: As an American in Finland, I get stared at a lot when I try to talk to people.
芬兰人一般会意味深长地盯着你。虽然有时候非常尴尬,但也比交谈好一点。如果情况变得有些白热化,你也可以稍稍扬一扬眉毛。 作为一个住在芬兰的美国人,想要跟人讲话时就经常被人盯。
Darian:o Supercell and to our players, ensuring the integrity and fairness of the game is always a top priority. It is part of our Fair Play Policy in our Terms of Service and it is something we feel is incredibly important to the future of all our games, not just Clash of Clans. When we perform mass bans, while it is regrettable that so many players are caught cheating, this helps keep our games fair for players who do not use bots, mods, or any other cheats. We will always stand by our Fair Play Policy.
Eino:I think it would be great to be able to offer a skin for gems down the line. The challenge we're facing at the moment is still that we are a very small team and making skins takes a lot of effort. If we can make our process for creating skins a bit more efficient, then we'd be able to have more of them available in a wider variety of ways. 如果以后能推出用宝石买的皮肤当然是好事。目前的问题是我们团队的人非常少,而设计皮肤需要花很多时间。如果我们能够更高效地设计和制作新皮肤,也许我们就能推出更多皮肤,同时让皮肤能通过更多途径获得。
Darian:We have done cross-game events in the past. We added El Primo as a temporary troop in Clash of Clans to celebrate the launch of Brawl Stars, and we occasionally do seasonal troops from Clash Royale. If we feel the need for more cross-game events, we'll definitely have fun doing it.
Darian:This is a very great question that is one of our highest priorities. We love seeing players come back to the game and seeing all the different changes that have been made to the game since they were gone. This was one of the goals of the Season Challenges. But I think we can do better to try and bring back old players to let them know their Villagers miss them.
Darian:I would love to see some referral rewards introduced to Clash of Clans. Similar to A56, we are always looking at ways to bring old and new players to Clash of Clans and I think a referral system is something that would be greatly beneficial.
Eino:yep, it's a more in-depth one 没错,这个问题很深刻。 Our goal at Supercell is to create games that are played and loved as many people as possible, and our art style is an extension of that philosophy in that we want things to be fun and approachable for as many people as possible. In regards to our success, I think our art style is certainly plays a large role. That said, I also think art style doesn't exist in a vacuum: each game we develop spends a lot of time marrying the art style with the other parts of the game to create unique and memorable experiences for the players. To create a great game that will be remembered for a long time, you have to make a deep impression on the people who come and play the game. Art style is part of the puzzle, but you need the other pieces too.
领奖时间截止2019年9.12 10:00 请获奖的首领们赶紧领取哦~