《鬼妇》开发者日志No.8 - 语言本地化

精华2018/12/25579 浏览综合
Hello there! Andre's here. Since a while, we actually have been wanting to implement a data-driven system to Pamali and other games, but always ending up casting that aside and deem in not urgent at the moment.
But all that changes when there's a new urgency: localization.
大家好! 我是Andre,又和大家见面了!。一段时间以来,我们实际上一直想在《鬼妇》和之后的系列游戏中实现一个数据驱动的系统,但一直将该计划抛诸脑后,并认为当前该计划并不紧迫。
但当出现一个新的紧急情况: 文字本地化时,情况就不同了。
Pamali has a lot of speech contents such as conversations, player monologues, readable objects, choices, object names and interaction choices.
Up till last sprint all these contents all implemented manually inside each object's code.
This pipeline itself has a lot of flaws:
1. Transferring of the contents from the writer into the code are very prone to human error (e.g. mistype, pasting the wrong speech)
1. 将内容从编写器传输到代码中很容易出现人为错误(例如输入错误、粘贴错误的语音)
2. If there's a revision it takes two layers of work to be fixed: the writer and the programmer
2. 如果需要修改内容,需要经过两道工序:作出修改的人和程序员。
3. Sometimes we manually fixes and changes the content directly inside the code (such as minor misspelling, wrong object name, etc.) and most of the time the writer is not aware of this.
3. 有时,我们手工修复并直接更改代码中的内容(例如拼写错误、对象名称错误等),而大多数情况下,作者并不知道这一点。
This resulted in two different sets of data (the contents inside the engine and the contents on the documents created by the writer). Thus, there isn't a centralized 'document' that is always up to date that the team could access anytime.
After seeing the problems above and imagining how it will be multiplied exponentially by doing it again and again on different languages, we feel that it is the time to develop the data-driven system.
On this new system, our game takes data directly from a spreadsheet file consisting of various data and is implemented through the use of keys. We only need to assign an object inside the game to its corresponding key on the spreadsheet. Here's an example:
^ We now have a spreadsheets listing all of out interactable objects.
^ I assigned the corresponding key to the object's code.
This allows our content writers to directly change the data inside the game, greatly increases the efficiency of our speech content production especially when doing revisions on the content.
And with a centralized database, it is easier for anyone in the team to pull the latest data that is up to date to both the contents created by the writers as well the the one implemented in engine. Debugging (content-wise) is also so much easier now. (Its a huge lifesaver)
And lastly, this allow us to handily implement various languages to the system. This urgency manifested because we currently implementing a Chinese localization to Pamali and hopefully to be able to release it together with our English version. We had a new partner and they are helping us with the localization for Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
In a nutshell, we are glad the development of this data-driven system goes smoothly and everything works on the first try (this rarely happens...).
That's all for the first part of my devlog about localization, on my next devlog I will share on how we handle the localization of our readable objects on the game. See you next time! :D
这是关于语言本地化的第一部分,在以后的《开发者日志》中,我将与大家分享如何处理游戏中可读对象的本地化。下次见! :D