The original words:
Tuomas(Game&Levels Design):
I'd be very glad to share about our design process and inspiration with player on Taptap.
Shortly: We absolutely love games. Each and every one of us is a gamer to this date. We have grown up playing games on the old 8-Bit Nintendo, Commodore 64 and Atari and still keep playing all the modern games. Much of the gameplay-feel we go for in our game design comes from the understanding on what makes those classics so good.
We take a concept, like a 2.5D platformer that Grimvalor is, make an early version and then relentlessly keep building upon it and polishing it over and over again until it feels like those classics to us. This is a very slow process, that does not necessarily have a refined design target in mind when we set out to do something. End result might turn out to be quite different from what we had in mind initially. Our design process is very organic, it evolves as we find out what works the best in the game. Grimvalor took us six years to get done, but we think this allowed for the absolute best and most fun aspects of the game to stand out. It's absolutely a creation made with expertise and love.
Thanks to all the players who love and look forward to Grimvalor.