开发者的话大家好! 我们是Nomada Studio,在这里我们要怀着激动的心情向大家宣布:《GRIS》的中文版——《格莉斯的旅程》终于迎来了和中国玩家的初次见面! 【游戏开发的灵感或动力】 在游戏大厂工作了多年后,我们都想做一些更小巧,更个性化的事情。基于这样的想法,我们脑海中浮现出了一款既让人感到亲近又有趣的游戏。它的游戏门槛很低,所有人都可以玩,并且拥有市场上相对罕见的美术风格。而这,就是《GRIS》的雏形。在游戏的开发过程中,我们花费了很多心思去打磨各个细节,包括艺术,动画和音乐等,想为每一位进入这个奇幻游戏世界的玩家提供一段独特而难忘的旅程。 【开发过程中的趣事】 我们的开发团队构成非常多元化,有平面设计师、建筑师、插画师、学生等。虽然我们认为多元化的构成对整个团队和项目来说都颇有益处,但其实这也是莫大的风险,很容易就出问题(当然我们的海外发行商Devovler签下这款游戏时并不知道这一点哈哈) 关于游戏开发,最令人震惊的一件事就是,我们团队的大部分人其实之前没有过任何游戏开发经验!在我们团队里,只有3个人曾参与过游戏开发,其他15个人完全没有任何相关的经验,《格莉斯的旅程》是他们参与开发的第一款游戏,而且有些人甚至从未玩过游戏! 尽管过程中遇到过诸多困难,但最后还是圆满地把《格莉斯的旅程》带到了大家的面前。这大概就是热爱的力量吧。 这段时间我们与极光计划一起共同努力,把《格莉斯的旅程》带入到中国市场,现在我们已经迫不及待地想要看到大家享受我们的游戏了,希望它能带给大家一段独一无二的体验。 ————以下是英文原文———— Hello there! We are Nomada Studio and we're thrilled to announce that Chinese players will be able to play GRIS soon! Motivation or inspiration for designing the game After a long time working for big video game publishers, we wanted to do something smaller and more personal. Our idea was to make a game that felt more intimate, fun while still being accessible to all kinds of players and with an art style rarely seen on video games. We put a lot of effort on delivering a polished game where art, animation and music go hand in hand to deliver a unique and memorable experience. Stories during the game development or anything fun to share with Chinese players One of the striking things about GRIS development is that most of the people never worked on video games before! Three of us had previous experience in game development, but for the rest of the team, around 15 people, it was their first game ever, and some of them didn't even play games! We had a very diverse team with graphic designers, architects, illustrators, students... and although we think that was very beneficial for both the team and the project, there was a big risk that things could've gone wrong! (Devolver didn't know about this while the game was being developed...) We've been working together with Tencent to make this possible and we can't wait for all of you to enjoy it.