Qcplay Limited.
青瓷遊戲是中國知名的移動遊戲開發商及發行商,旨在為中國內地及海外玩家提供內容引人入勝且遊戲體驗獨特而無與倫比的移動遊戲。作為中國休閒遊戲(尤其是放置類遊戲)及Rogue-like RPG的領軍企業,青瓷已開發、發行並運營多款極受歡迎的遊戲,標誌性移動遊戲(例如《最強蝸牛》)在廣受行業認可的遊戲排行榜上名列前茅。
Qingci Games is an established mobile game developer and publisher in China, offering mobile games that are designed to provide captivating content as well as distinctive and engaging gameplay experiences to players in mainland China and overseas. As a leader in casual games, especially idle games, and rogue-like RPGs in China, Qingci has developed, published and operated a number of popular games, and its landmark mobile games, such as The Marvelous Snail (最強蝸牛), have recorded significant gross billings and achieved high rankings on the game lists widely recognized in our industry.