game is pretty good lots of bugs, game causes devices to over heat. bikes flip all over, doors sometimes open sometimes they dont, really needs a american server its easier on our devices would stop most of the over heating issues an the lag issues. over all i think highly of this game i can only play a game a day cause my screen temps get up to 117degrees Fahrenheit. which i dont like what so ever. <== 游戏是相当不错的错误,游戏导致设备过热。自行车全翻过来,门有时会打开,有时他们不会,真的需要一台美国服务器,在我们的设备上更容易,会阻止大部分过热问题和滞后问题。在所有我认为这个游戏的高度我只能每天玩一个游戏,导致我的屏幕临时温度高达47.22摄氏度 我不喜欢这样的事情。