GamePlayer『 』
游戏时长 635 小时
As an Yuanshen player, I propose the following:
Your company stated in the "Notes on Festival Activities" on October 1 that "The game world of The Original God is a fantasy world with an empty world view" and "we will bring welfare activities to everyone in the Special zone of The Rice Travel Agency · The Original God". Since then, there has been no activity, email or announcement about "Mid-Autumn Festival" within the game.
So, as a local Player in China, I propose: please adopt equal attitude and measures during the festivals of Halloween, Christmas, lovers and other foreign cultures. Put the festival celebration and welfare contents on Miyou Club and corresponding overseas platforms, and the festival contents will not be reflected in any activities, emails or announcements in the game. If not, on the one hand, the content of the actual festival will largely affect the theme of the empty world; on the other hand, many Chinese players will feel the neglect of humanistic care and the imbalance of game elements. Since in the future development plan, Tiwattle World chose to celebrate the virtual festival and refused to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, we hope to treat the festival of foreign culture in the same way. We firmly oppose the favoritism of cultural concerns.
During the test, the original god celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival and Halloween. But now that the original God has chosen the creative idea of creating a pure, elevated world, stick with it.
It has to be said that it is unkind to ignore the reality of festivals and ignore the game experience needs of players during holidays. However, it would be unjust if one treats the other lightly in terms of cultural care, openly or on the side to celebrate foreign festivals but muddle the traditional festivals
We reserve our views and express our understanding. I want you to respect us
The methodology is presented below. In order to avoid suspicion, I propose that the 1.2 update be advanced to before December 20th, or if it must be updated on Wednesday, it can be postponed to December 30th, just in time for New Year's Day, which is a holiday both at home and abroad. You can play more games together.
You have done a lot of actions like this. December 23 is not suitable. We sincerely hope that your company can consider the pros and cons and reconsider.
Remember, respect your customers.
by Youdao translation😊
游戏时长 3 分钟
游戏本身是好游戏 就是运营太沙雕 本来我对这个游戏充满期待的 我等了两天 盼了三天 观望了一个月 手感确实不错 画风确实很好 但是游戏运营和策划 决策真的是把我秀到了 给个三星继续观望吧
我觉得有一个很讽刺的操作 官方在误发1w的时候按照常规操作 一般游戏肯定会各种出货 然后开局几个s对吧?
但是实际上这个游戏问题就在这里 保底60次才出s 开局40连一个s 根据相关评测都是60连保底s 不可能偷渡不保底 10次9次保底 这个具体可以参考14w那个抽奖
然后 你们发现问题没有 也就是说 就算发了这个1w 顶多出一个s 而且还不是可选的那种 对这个游戏影响很大吗?好像没有吧?顶多就可以一两个a升到s 但是这个游戏后期是有ss sss的 1w确实杯水车薪 谁都有 就相当于谁都没有区别 发个误发声明 但不是bug 让大家放心领 舒舒服服的抽 这就可以了 反正你按照这概率顶多出一个s 后续再慢慢调回概率 后续你也又不是不出新角色新s了
崩崩崩那么多自抽号 那么多初始号 那么多号贩子 人家也没慌过担心没人氪金啊 因为人家清楚这类型游戏要玩下去就肯定会氪月卡或者慢慢肝 买个自抽号 初始号 终究只是杯水车薪 作为同一个类型的游戏 作为一个游戏公司 这其中的利与弊 但凡一群有理智的玩家都想的明白的问题 为什么你们就犯了糊涂呢?
在这里我要补充吐槽几点 在视角自动锁定和闪避手感体验操作方面 做得可以说是相当的烂 完全不客观的说就是连给同行竞品提鞋的资格都没有 但是最令人气愤的不是你们做的不好 而是你们没有用心 举个例子
乱数的闪避手感就很好 打击感也很好 闪避基本上是成功率85%以上 然而黎明和仰光的闪避距离和闪避手感就极其的糟糕 乱数之所以被称作乱秀也不是没道理的 闪避手感好了自然能秀的起来 闪避手感极差 自然就秀不动了
第二点就得提到这个迷一般的自动视角锁定 这就导致 了一种怪在秀我 而不是我在秀怪的错觉 这个自动视角锁定的优化决定了游戏的很大程度上的游戏体验 我希望你们能够重视并认真的优化好这个问题
关于概率1.6%的问题我只能说我不是氪金党 只是咸鱼 出货什么全靠白嫖 概率本该怎么样 你们有自知之明就行了